look who we're talking about. No telling what the nascar people are looking at...Shouldn't they be more concerned about the logos on the car?
Shouldn't they be more concerned about the logos on the car?
What's the deal with Cingular being a sponsor? Didn't they have problems with Nextel at one time? Is this a similar deal as Shell and Sunoco?
Cingular was "grandfathered" in. However, there seems to be some discussion as to whether AT&T will be allowed to grace the hood when the name change becomes official later this year.
You guys seem to forget what fuels (keeps it going) NASCAR and I don't mean gas. It's money. NASCAR gets lots of money from SUNOCO and what from Shell? This is a country of capitalism, not socialism and as such, when a sponsor gives it's money to be used a certain way, they can say how their money can be used. SUNOCO did that and now they are saying that there's been a change. If NASCAR doesn't do something about it, they could either be sued or lose the sponsorship.
I'd say that the majority of people here say let SUNOCO go, but then who would pay the bill for the fuel? Hmmmmmm!
Somehow they can tell the teams what sponsors they have and what sponser they cant have...I really dont agree with that...once they tell a team that a certain sponser cant sponser them...i think nascar should be on the hook for that, they should have to pay the team what the sponser was going to pay them.
NASCAR gets lots of money from SUNOCO and what from Shell?
I'd say that the majority of people here say let SUNOCO go, but then who would pay the bill for the fuel? Hmmmmmm!
The Shell car also doesnt have Juan Poblonmotor driving it
What about the Texaco-Havoline Dodge? Even though Texaco isn't on the car, everyone associates Texaco and Havoline together.
I agree TRL. Dont have one any were near me.
Nascar drives me crazy....they wont do a pension for drivers because they are not employed by Nascar, they are employed by the teams.
Somehow they can tell the teams what sponsors they have and what sponser they cant have...I really dont agree with that...once they tell a team that a certain sponser cant sponser them...i think nascar should be on the hook for that, they should have to pay the team what the sponser was going to pay them.
Originally Posted by fun_in_my_z
The Shell car also doesnt have Juan Poblonmotor driving it
That's Juan Pablo Montoya to you sir.
Dont have the guts to spell the name right if all you're gonna do is be on his case?
Actually I think ther is one in Benton.
Ahhhh, I remember the good old days where we had a multipage thread because someone spelled it Tonie and not Tony. Sometimes I miss those days.
Ahhhh, I remember the good old days where we had a multipage thread because someone spelled it Tonie and not Tony. Sometimes I miss those days.
and Robbie...
I know i use to spell Jimmie, Jimmy....but thats just the redneck in me!
While we're on names, why didn't Juan Pablo be signed to drive a Toyota. Then he could be Juan Pablo Montoyota.
Or, why didn't Hendrick get DLP to sponsor the #25. Then the commercials could say "It's the Mears". (For the slow ones that's the commercial with the little girl and the box with the elephant and she says "It's the meers" rather than mirrors. Yeah I know, jokes don't work if you have to explain them).
Damnnn i have to say that was funny to read