Has reality set in?



As I roam various boards on the net and listen to the interviews and reports being broadcast I have to wonder. Even as I listen to the questions posed by the media during the several briefings conducted both here and abroad today. And it seems the approval rating has fallen. And Wall Street staggers after last weeks confidence.

What did people expect? Did anyone really think we would be able to lob a bunch of missiles and bombs into Baghdad and other targets and just waltz in and take over? How many thought that the weapons of mass destruction and the facilities for producing were just gonna be waiting for us to pounce on and show the world? Saddam may be evil personified, but he and the leaders of his regime are not stupid and completely inept.

The reason the candle is lit for our soldiers, the reason for the silence in their support and the prayers for their return is because war is now and always will be war. Have we forgotten what war is like?

The big picture remains as clear and as positive as its reality ever was. Be of heart and mind of strength and will. Their is a price to be paid freedom, be it our freedom or another peoples. Sadly that price must be paid and the cost is dear. But the reward is dear as well. If you believe in the cause of the battle, you must also believe in paying for that cause.

Prayers and strength to those families which hurt the most. Prayers and strength to our leaders and to our soldiers who must carry on.

Now is the time to be most vocal in your support and most demonstrative in displaying your convictions. It is a not time to retreat nor to cower nor to recant. Stand strong and stand fast!!

Sorry folks, kind of a rant that been on my mind all day.
Like always very well said. I could not agree with you more. With War there is always sacrifice. No one wants to hear of soliders dying or being taken prisoner. But it is very high price we pay for our freedom.
HS, your "rant" was a great reminder that we need to stand together as a country and support our president and our troops.
For those of you who would like to be able to do something to help support the US troops right now, here are a few places online you can do that.

''Operation USO Care Package": http://www.usometrodc.org/care.html

American Red Cross Armed Forces Emergency Services: http://www.redcross.org/services/afes/

Donate a calling card to servicemembers in theater through operation uplink at:

Send a greeting via e-mail through Operation Dear Abby at: http://www.operationdearabby.net

Sign a virtual thank you card at the Defend America Web site at: http://www.defendamerica.mil

Monetary donations may also be made to any of the official military relief societies:

Army emergency relief: http://www.aerhq.org

Navy/Marine Relief Society: http://www.nmcrs.org

Air Force Aid Society: http://www.afas.org

Coast Guard Mutual Assistance: http://www.cgmahq.org
I never believed this war would take just a few hours. I just wish the job had been finished in '92.

My heart, my prayers, my thoughts are with the soldiers and their families.
They defend my country and I'm with them.
A point well taken and one that touches me deeply.You can feel an almost physical 'gloom' touching us all.The fact of the matter is this:This is not a May sweeps tv show---this IS in the most vivid sense pure reality.

The expectations of the nation---a nation that,face it,has little stomach for this----were unrealistic from the start.Like a lot of you forum members,I spent my little middle-eastern vacation in Iraq in '91.I pray for and,yes, fear for our brave men and women over there.

These people we fight arent like you and I...they are fundementally different.They will fight us and they will kill us given the chance.This is the reality we as a nation face from the barbaric hoards of these religion-numbed nations.This is reality:American lives are going to be lost in Iraq.We had best tighten the belts and steel ourselves to that.To easy just to see this as another bad Fox tv program.Get unpleasant?No problem----turn it off.

Every American put your BS aside for once----kick our differences in the teeth.Unite behind our people over there.

Because as hellish and horrible as this war BEING fought is....to not have fought would have been far,far worse.

Note to the fence straddlers and the anti-war protesters:These fanatical Islamic lunatics dont care if you protest or not.They still hate you and would destroy you given the chance.That is reality.

:dual9mm: :dual9mm: :dual9mm:
Some people were saying that this war would be over in a few weeks. I've got news: it ain't gonna happen. There is a certain core group of Iraqi's who will fight to the death for Saddam, and will resort to any tactics necessary to do so - already evidenced by their fake surrenders of the past couple days. The length of this war will be measured in months, not weeks. I want to be over soon, but I have to be realistic, and the realistic side of me says that there's a chance that this war may not be over until summer. :( :( :(
I think a lot of people make the mistake of thinking this is just a War in Iraq. This is just another continuation of the war on terrorism, another offshoot if you will. Taking Baghdad and securing Iraq,getting rid of the terribly tyrant is only the start folks, anyone who beleives other wise is very naive. This war will continue, the war against terrorism will continue until we eliminate the enmy. This will take years ......not days, weeks, or months , but years. We have been at war since before 9/11........think about it, it pretty much started in earnest with the first Gulf war in 1991, so that is 12 years and counting. Don't expect this to be over soon.
The army of Iraq have no standers. They follow no rules of war. They use a no holds bared way of fighting. In other words They cheat. We are just gonna have to find a way to neutralize that. :dual9mm:
Ther are no rules in War! Maybe the civilized countries observe some set rules, but Iraq does not follow these ! :angry:
The first thing I thought when Bush said that any Iraqi soldier that wanted to surrender would be allowed to do so was "How are our guys supposed to be able to trust someone who says they are going to surrender?". Unfortunately we are finding out the hard way that these animals can not be trusted at all. That is a good way to get every one of your guys killed whether they really want to surrender or not.
I just heard a news report with these counts:

20 American Soldiers Dead
7 Americans POWs
7 Americans MIA

GOD BLESS them and their families.
And there will be many more....war is hell there is no way around loosing men in battle ....it happens! Once Baghdad is taken the job of keeping it secure also will put our troops at risk, but it is something WE have to do , all be it at a price of human lives and lots of money. Take that to the bank Mike Moore! :dual9mm:
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