Have we lost our minds?

Apparently some of us have. I couldn't read the article because of some big ad that covered about 80% of the words and I couldn't find a way to remove it. However, in your link it says that somebody shot at least one fireman. That doesn't sound like something someone in their right mind would do. I had an uncle who was a fire chief, but I don't think you would have to have my experience to be upset by this. I have several friends who are policemen and I know of several officers shot in the line of duty lately. The thing is, that a policeman has a reasonable expectation of confronting an armed criminal at some point or another and is himself armed and trained to handle that situation. I'm certainly not justifying the killing of policement either, I'm just saying that killing an unarmed fireman seems even more egregious to me.
Being a former Firefighter my heart goes out to these guys and their families. Did I read this right, this person beat his grandmother to death with a hammer in 1980 and only served 17 yrs.? Why don't we have stiffer penalties for such crimes? How much is a life worth? Our Judicial system is a complete failure.
Being a former Firefighter my heart goes out to these guys and their families. Did I read this right, this person beat his grandmother to death with a hammer in 1980 and only served 17 yrs.? Why don't we have stiffer penalties for such crimes? How much is a life worth? Our Judicial system is a complete failure.
The problem is that we don't actually have a "judicial system". We have a "criminal justice system", while what we need is a "victim justice system".
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