
Sep 30, 2009
South County

Scored 3 of these on E-*** last week. $30.00 per set.They came with a 2 way patch cord that allowed you to listen to your cell phone and a scanner at the same time,not the way to go. I installed a scanner jack on the PTT side of the set,wired it to the speakers,and presto! Now,the scanner can be listened to as well as using the 2 way radio feature that allows you to use the PTT feature. The whole idea is to not be tethered together like some units,which allows for more freedom.
Alot easier on the wallet than the typical $150.00 to $200.00 for each headset. The boom mic is a noise cancelling style,which is very handy
There were 80+ units for sale,and they sold out in 5 days.
If you need some info on the modifications,PM me with any questions. I'll be happy to help.
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