Health Ins revisted



NOT POLITICAL! Posted here for all to see.

I saw a doc last week, for the first time ever I paid my co-pay before being seen. When making my next appt I was told to call after Jan 1st as he may decide to opt out of my insurance, United Health. Reason given was while United has recieved rate increases the past two years totaling 16% and they now have a 10-14% rate increase request before the commission.

They have not raised reimbursment to health providers and have in fact cut reimbursement or eliminated it altogether in some cases. FWIW they made 4.9billion in profit last year.

In the mail Saturday I got a letter from my local hospital where I have been a patient. After Jan 1st I will be treated to the 'best care ever' but unless things change I will be billed and responsible for the charges not United.

All state employees and those retired have United. A majority of the cities and towns have United as do many school districts for employees, teachers have another carrier.

United has stated their intent, a minimum 10% raise this year with another raise next or they'll shut down.

This has nothing to do with the so called "Obamacare" which has yet to take effect. They have the upper hand and this is greed, pure and simple.
Wow, seems like I posted basically the same info but a poster told me to "Suck it up" and "Pay your fair share, slacker!"

Wonder who that hypocrite was...
I am paying my fair share, little over $600 a month now. Problem is unless there's a agreement between providers and United I and many,many others might not have a place to pay my fair share.

IIRC you weren't paying anywhere near 600 a month, please correct me if I'm wrong.

This is a company grabbing as much as they can before the new legislation kicks in. Not like they're struggling with 4.9 billion in profits.
IIRC you weren't paying anywhere near 600 a month, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Oh wow, isn't this called something else? I mean c'mon, why are you comparing yourself to someone else, someone else who isn't one of those millionaires that you so detest? Where does it stop?
Right over your head Buck. Unless this situation is solved in the next 30 days I, and many others, won't have a place to pay my premium.

ferg missed the point also but that's not unusual.
Right over your head Buck. Unless this situation is solved in the next 30 days I, and many others, won't have a place to pay my premium.

ferg missed the point also but that's not unusual.

Have you 'shopped around' for other insurance with a comparable co-pay/premium?
Right over your head Buck. Unless this situation is solved in the next 30 days I, and many others, won't have a place to pay my premium.

ferg missed the point also but that's not unusual.

No, you're complaining about the same thing I was, but since its you now, its wrong.

And yes, obamacare has something to do with it.
You are truly an idiot.....why should my health care increase when I have had the same plan for years? Maybe since you have obviously done it all and seen and all and are dependant on the gov't for your medical you want people to pay more.

I think I pay my fair share, dickhead. Go bury another horse....

Let's set the record straight. My complaint is over the bullying tatics being used by United. The threat of leaving the state with tens of thousands of people uninsured with just a month's notice. NOT about the rate increase.

You say you've had the same health care for years and ask why your health care costs should increase? That's beyond laughable. You expect to pay the same 20 years from now too?

I have,or until Jan 1st have, United Health Care, a private insurance company. YOU say I'm "dependant on the gov't for your medical you want people to pay more." Wrong donut breath but maybe I should consider Medicare just to pizz you off.

Your last sentence says it all about you "I think I pay......"

The comment about the horse was real nice,azzhole.
Thanks for showing the rest of the board the way you are.....that was something hashed out a while back in an area a lot of people on the board don't go to. Big man, you are...

Go sit on your couch and collect your checks and make up stories. I'm done with you.
The way I am?? I'm not po'd, embarrassed(?) or ashamed(?) of my words being C & P'd.

Whatever I say [type] on any forum is fair game that I'll stand behind.

Can you?
NOT POLITICAL! Posted here for all to see.

I saw a doc last week, for the first time ever I paid my co-pay before being seen. When making my next appt I was told to call after Jan 1st as he may decide to opt out of my insurance, United Health. Reason given was while United has recieved rate increases the past two years totaling 16% and they now have a 10-14% rate increase request before the commission.

They have not raised reimbursment to health providers and have in fact cut reimbursement or eliminated it altogether in some cases. FWIW they made 4.9billion in profit last year.

In the mail Saturday I got a letter from my local hospital where I have been a patient. After Jan 1st I will be treated to the 'best care ever' but unless things change I will be billed and responsible for the charges not United.

All state employees and those retired have United. A majority of the cities and towns have United as do many school districts for employees, teachers have another carrier.

United has stated their intent, a minimum 10% raise this year with another raise next or they'll shut down.

This has nothing to do with the so called "Obamacare" which has yet to take effect. They have the upper hand and this is greed, pure and simple.

It's terrible that the the Government is sponsoring socialized medicine for state employees. We should shut that down immediately.
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