Health insurance companies are evil

Benevolent One

Team Owner
Jan 1, 2007
NE Ohio
Let me start off by saying that, for the most part, my health insurance is pretty good. However, my wife was scheduled to have a complete hysterectomy and her gall bladder taken out at the same time on Feb 9th. But now they say that they will not authorize the hysterectomy portion until her ob/gyn performs another test and provides documentation of all of the problems she has had that makes this proceedure needed. Her ob/gyn is out of the country on a missions trip and will not be back in time to do this stuff before her surgery date. So, now she is going to have the gall bladder taken out because she simply can't keep hardly any food down. Then, after she recovers sufficiently from that, she will end up having the hysterectomy. Which, of course, means that she will have seperate recoveries as well. She will also need longer to recover so she will be out of work even longer and she only has about 3 weeks of sick time and a week or so of vacation.

I would also think that doing these proceedures seperately will cost the insurance company more as well, but it just is what it is. You would think that somebody there could look at this and see where it makes more sense for them to just simply authorize it now and save themselves some money. But, that just isn't how it works. And they wonder why health care costs so much. :rolleyes:
is your wife's doctor in partnership with other doctors bo? most doctors i've gone to have an arrangement for their patients to be covered by another doctor when they are gone. if that's the case and your wife's need for a hysterectomy is in her medical records i would think the substitute doctor could do the necessary red tape requirements.
It's all a racket designed to make oodles of money, but Obamas' plan is no better , so be glad you any health Ins. at all!!!
It's all a racket designed to make oodles of money, but Obamas' plan is no better , so be glad you any health Ins. at all!!!

Like I said, I am very happy with my health insurance for the most part. One of the few benefits of living in poverty is that I have no deductable on pretty much anything that they cover. My biggest deductable is $2 on one of the many prescriptions I have to take every month. There will be no deductable at all on either of her surgeries as there wasn't when I had my gall bladder out 18 months ago or so. It certainly isn't perfect as my current problem shows. They also don't cover a lot of medicines that our doctors recommend, but as I said right up front, I am very happy with it as a whole. Just the deductable on the meds I take on a daily basis would probably be several hundred dollars every month for people on most insurance plans.
It's all a racket designed to make oodles of money, but Obamas' plan is no better , so be glad you any health Ins. at all!!!

Lets see, hospitals say they're not making money, medical professionals say the same. My GP of 25+ years closed his practice and is now peddling drugs. He says made a lot more money as a doc but now he's keeping more of his money by peddling drugs. He's a rep for a drug company btw.

So where are the "oodles" of money going? Could it be in salary and bonus money paid to upper management???
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