Hey everyone, how you all doin? Today is my first day at this message board, however I'm a member of a few message boards. Actually one of them I go to, is only a little race talk, and alot of bickering, and I was referred here by a fellow member, which I appreciate. I'll behave(so I don't end up in the corner , and hopefully get into some good race talk, which I really enjoy. I'll probably spend alot of time in the NASCAR board. Where would be a good spot on the forum to talk about local racing, not that most members will be familar with the racing that is local to me anyways... By chance anyone into online sim racing? Its great for a racing fix in the offseason/winter, I race Nascar Racing 2003 by Papyrus online, and just on the PC, and its alot of fun. Well, I'll be around, and hope to have a good time. Great board, the layout, etc looks great!