Hello Guys!



Hey guys! I havent been able to get on here for quite a while. how is everyone?
Howdy and how ya been??

Grab a keyboard and have fun,
Hey Flametamer!!! I wondered why you left us! Glad to have you back! :bounce:
I have been good! hope everyone is well. Hope I can keep loggin on too!
What have you been up to?? It's been awhile since we have heard from you.
Dee, been real busy with Union work. my Local is negotiating a new contract, well, we were negotiating. now I am preparing for an arbitration hearing. How you been? and Majestyx, congrats on your no smoking!
Hey Stranger! So glad to have you back with us. Wondered what happened to ya.
Welcome back to the forum, hope you have a great time at Racing-Forums
Originally posted by Flametamer@Sep 9 2003, 09:40 PM
Dee, been real busy with Union work. my Local is negotiating a new contract, well, we were negotiating. now I am preparing for an arbitration hearing. How you been? and Majestyx, congrats on your no smoking!
I have been doing pretty good. Busy with my daughter got my Real Estate license this summer, that keeps me pretty busy. Glad to see you back I asked about you a couple times and noone seemed to know what had happened to you. Hope you hang around for awhile. :bounce:
Well, the whole story is: When I registered here I also registered at a second board. after about a week I began to get "hacker warnings" and was advised to change my e-mail address at the other board. without doing anything I began to have trouble getting on either board. it seems my e-mail had been changed at both!

I was able to re-register at the other board, but this board would not accept my real e-mail address. I have no idea how or who changed the e-mails. Then, a short time ago I received an e-mail telling me my registration here had been accepted. so I tried to log on but was not able to. I tried again the other night and I got on!

I have no computor knowledge beyond on and off ( and post) so I have no clue what in the wide wide world of sports happened. I just hope I can keep getting on here! :D

And congrats on your Realtors License Dee Dee!
Well, we're just glad you were able to log back on! And, thanks about my no smoking. Now if I can just lose the weight that I have gained by quitting smoking. :unsure:
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