Help Out Victory Junction Gang Camp



I am not sure if this has been posted (aint had power since wednesday) but if you are a kensith fan or just want to help out go to and if you buy an autographed item 10 dollars goes to the victory junction gang camp to help it out since they are trying to raise some 24 million i think and already got about 15 so please help out if you can and maybe could this get a sticky for the month of december that this deal runs through
Thats cool!! I am glad more drivers are gettign involved in the VJCG. WHen Kyle gave his speach for winning True Value Man of The Year he said that he should not be the one who gets it because most of the money raised has came from other drivers and the fans. He said Ken Schrader, Ricky Craven, and a few others have given or raised alot of money for VJCG.
Yeah I cant wait to see it up and running in 2004 when it opens
me either I would love to volenteer there when it opened but I am not quailfied enought, plus they already have thousands applied to volenteer
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