Here lappy lappy lappy



At long last, the planets have aligned in my favor.

I've had quite some time to contamplate what you should have to endure. Many ideas came to my mind. Many. Yet somehow, my original thought seemed most...painful.

I asked myself repeatedly the same question: Who would be the last person in the world you would want to be locked in a room with for a week?

I know who that person is.

Lappy, say hello to the new you.


Get busy sweatin to those oldies, buddy.

Now. On to Watkins Gen. My turn to pick first. I'll have Jeffie again please.

That is too funny. :XXROFL:
EMP, I've known for quite sometime that you are a strong-willed, opinionated, and sometimes butually honest individual on this board.

Now I know you are also the meanest!


You certainly raised the bar lappy....


So I guess it should be (to the music everyone) Lap3 more...and 2 more.....and 1 more.....

talk about cruel and unusual... I can't wait to see what you guys come up with next... ^_^
Originally posted by EatMorePossum@Aug 9 2004, 10:52 AM
Come on out lappy, no fair hiding.  :p
You got him running now EMP. :XXROFL: You know he would have already been here if he had won this week.
Satan! :p <_<

no im not hiding, im on my dads computer, seems he tryed to do some anti-virus stuff and ended up wiping the net off my computer, and the ppl at the internet place cant help me :unsure: going to work on it this afternoon, but dont worry EMP, i'll put Richard up........ <_<

So this is what i get for Harvick and Kerry huh? :rolleyes:

so, goodbye, Terry English....c-ya in a week :(
Man, that really looks good on ya. I'd think about keeping it permanent if I were you.

I got Jeff next week - who ya want?
I rarely ever visit other websites mostly because of the grownups(by age, not maturity) who post using foul language, sexual innuendo and personal attacks on either the other posters or drivers.

For the first time in nearly four or five months, I made a quick excursion to another website about NASCAR. After reading three different threads on various topics, noted the use of personal insults and threats had not subsided and decided that was a long enough time and hustled back here to Racing Forums.

On the return the first thing that caught my attention was the weekly contest between Lappy and others, and how civilized it is to see this type of banter without name calling or other childish stuff.
This is a fun place. Even if EMP is here, I can live with that. :D

Thanks to all for making this a nice website to visit and fun to take part in the interesting discussions. :cheers:

Da Whizzer
Originally posted by Whizzer@Aug 9 2004, 06:19 PM
After reading three different threads on various topics, noted the use of personal insults

This is a fun place. Even if EMP is here, I can live with that. :D

Originally posted by EatMorePossum@Aug 9 2004, 04:35 PM
Man, that really looks good on ya. I'd think about keeping it permanent if I were you.

I got Jeff next week - who ya want?
Robby Gordon, and if hes racing Scott Pruett(sp)
You actually think Robby Gordon and Scott Pruett are gonna help you ditch yer ol' pal Richard Simmons??!


As you wish. My second pick will be Mark Martin.
Originally posted by EatMorePossum@Aug 11 2004, 02:40 PM
You actually think Robby Gordon and Scott Pruett are gonna help you ditch yer ol' pal Richard Simmons??!


As you wish. My second pick will be Mark Martin.
Well, Scott ALMOST did thye last road race he was in......and Robby was just trying so dang hard he ran the wheels right off the car! :rolleyes: :p
Guess yer left with Robby, huh? Rained out qualifying, Pruett went to the house.

Oh, what should I choose for you now..... :bounce:
Originally posted by EatMorePossum@Aug 13 2004, 02:44 PM
Guess yer left with Robby, huh?&nbsp; Rained out qualifying, Pruett went to the house.

Oh, what should I choose for you now..... :bounce:
<_< <_<

so i cant get Tony now? since Scott had to go home.....dang rain... <_< <_<
Scott may worm his way into a car before it's all said and done.

Maybe Junior will need a relief driver again, especially if the car ain't right... :XXROFL:
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