Hey Andy...an idea for a new job


Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Nov 14, 2002
Winston Salem, NC
Okay, I know you're going to think this is BS, but hear me out on this idea. Each day as I work the streets of Winston Salem, I listen to ESPN Radio. Now wait Andy, I know how you feel about ESPN, but I think you could one day actually work for them and make some great money too. From 10 to 2 each day, Colin Cowherd hosts his show called The Herd. I swear to God that you are an exact duplicate of Colin in that you are just as opinionated (and wrong much of the time) as he is. The big difference is that he spouts his tripe nationally via the radio and you just voice your opinions here and on some small race site. What you should do is aim your future career towards being a motor mouth on the radio. You really do have what it takes and you really don't have to have one of those great voices that was a must in the past. If you check out Colin, his voice sometimes reminds you of that fingernail on the blackboard sound. So start hanging around your local radio station and bug them to let you at least have a small minute or two for your opinions and build your career from there. And remember, you don't have to be right about anything, just adamant that you are. You can even be as shallow as Colin, but that might be too copycatish.

BTW, good luck in finding something and NEVER give up.

(BTW, just heard there is an opening in Raleigh close to BP's home. You might want to give him a call and see how he could help you)
"Each day as I work the streets of Winston Salem,"

You work the streets?????? As what?????????
hmm, keith olberman worked at espn once upon a time. not sure about radio though.
I need to delete this thread immediately. Andy being in Maryland is way to close to NC as it is. I think he needs to go to Cali. Or maby Bali.
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