hey! check this out!


Team Owner
Jan 3, 2002
Northern VA
:bleh: :EEEEK:

Ok, now the point behind my post.....Telling the celebs to shut up.

"We can contain Saddam Hussein without killing innocent people, diverting us from the war on terrorism and putting us all at risk," Sheen said in a television ad for the event.
Martin Sheen

I think that playing the President has gone to his head. Just how can we do this?
Originally posted by fergy1370@Mar 4 2003, 11:34 AM

Ok, now the point behind my post.....Telling the celebs to shut up.

Amen to that!
There's a link in my link that you can click to sign a petition....not that it will get any exposure, but who knows?
I keep getting an error website not responding message? I will keep trying.
Yeah, we're real "diverted from the war on terrorism". The arrest of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was just luck. :rolleyes:
The more time goes by since September 11, 2001, the more opposition the effort will face. Too many people have forgotten, glossed over, chosen to diminish, whatever the events of that day. Not me. Every day it crosses my mind what happened to those people. How the Iraqi citizens responded to the news. How if not by chance, that could have been me falling from the tower. Or a loved one. Guess I'm a war monger or some other equally distasteful little title....so be it. It's high time for America to be heard from. Loudly. Resoundingly. Definitively. So a bunch of actors and singers wanna play 60s hippy...that's OK. I choose not to hear them. That way thier message reaches one less person. If that makes me closed minded....so be it. Been called worse.

While I respect the opinions of these people to a degree, and without question support their right to have these opinions, I do not have to agree with them or support them. I also don't have to purchase their CDs, or tickets to see the movies they act in, or watch the TV shows and accompanying commercials that feature these actors. Shame too, Sheryl Crow was one of the handful of contemporary artists I actually liked listening to. Oh well...so be it.
I was really impressed when Michael Waltrip made the comment about being a country united, after the race. I think you made some very good points TWF, too many people have forgotten what happened to all those people on 9-11. I am with you, I have not forgotten, that morning is still so fresh in my mind and it is past time for the United States to do something about.
Yeah,ol Mike finally said something I agree with too!

I am a long way from agreeing with everything the U.S does,but it is crunch time now.The pain and horror inflicted on us as a country on 911 can never be forgotten.

Time to strike before more time passes.If force is all the barbarians understand....shove it down their throats.Deal with whatever social issues we have AFTER we send Allah a few hundred thousand hell-bent muslims.

:dual9mm: :dual9mm: :dual9mm:
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