hey cutiepie.



Today I went to visit my grandma at the elderly home b/c she's not doing to well.I finally decided to tell her about what happened the last 7months thinking she lost her mind she won't remember me.well guess what? She mumbles :"I'm so sorry Tracey!"and teared up.I couldn't stop crying.when I was able to talk,I asked her again if she knew who I was.She said:"yeah,Tracey Fell.I can't believe she had her mind and understood what I was saying.I don't think she has much longer.At least I got to tell her my goodbyes.Sorry,I'm still crying.
Gotta blow my nose.
well like Buck said we are here for you if you need us.....:)
I am here too girl.:) Just call out if you need a friend,Or friends.:)
Thanks y'all.glad I have friends like y'all to talk to.I kinda feel like I have closure w/her.Before I left her I made sure that she knew that I was doing better.That I work a few blocks away from her nursing home and that I'd visit her as much as I can.Her heart is giving out on her.Hope she hangs in there.
Letting go of a loved one is a very hard thing to do. I'm glad you and your grandmom had some good time together.Remember, she will live in your heart for all time. Make the most of the time you have left and visit often it will be just as good for you as it will for her.

As always, we'll be here for you. Fourisis. After all, we are family.
Tracey, I'm with you in spirit! Grands are so wonderful so keep nascarwoman's advice in mind.
I am an orphan now, only because both my parents have passed.
I really miss them! But they will always be with me in my heart and mind, even in the hereafter.
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