
We watched "The Lord Of The Ring, Twin Towers" last night and my question is: just how in the world or should I have said why did you pick Gollum as your name here? He's such a hidious looking little creature. :lol:
I am such a LOTR fan and he is such a odd creature I took him as a screen name. Better than Orks or Ents.
He kind of reminded me of Yoda in "Star Wars" I always thought Yoda was cool. :)
This is no lie folks.My kids watched that movie and I told them to holler when ol' Gollum was on there.They did.....and I wondered EXACTLY what nascat22 was wondering!Why Gollum why?? :p :p I even started to make a post and ask but nas beat me to it!Weird coincidence.Good movie though!
The thing about Gollum (The creature-one) is, I believe Gollum or "Smeagol" was formerly a hobbit-like creature or a hobbit until he murdered his friend or relative for the Ring. The Ring was given to his friend or relative as a Birthday gift I believe and this is why Smeagol calls the ring, his "precious"
Originally posted by Happy29@Sep 1 2003, 02:48 AM
The thing about Gollum (The creature-one) is, I believe Gollum or "Smeagol" was formerly a hobbit-like creature or a hobbit until he murdered his friend or relative for the Ring. The Ring was given to his friend or relative as a Birthday gift I believe and this is why Smeagol calls the ring, his "precious"
Yep your pretty close to being right. Smeagol was a hobbit. His friend found athe ring in the river. Smeagol wanted him to give it to him for a birthbaygift. His friend wouldn't so he killed him. The ring had such power it finely drove Smeagol insane. And he became Gollum.
Originally posted by Gollum+Aug 31 2003, 07:55 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Gollum @ Aug 31 2003, 07:55 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Happy29@Sep 1 2003, 02:48 AM
The thing about Gollum (The creature-one) is, I believe Gollum or "Smeagol" was formerly a hobbit-like creature or a hobbit until he murdered his friend&nbsp; or relative for the Ring. The Ring was given to his friend or relative as a Birthday gift I believe and this is why Smeagol calls the ring, his "precious"
Yep your pretty close to being right. Smeagol was a hobbit. His friend found athe ring in the river. Smeagol wanted him to give it to him for a birthbaygift. His friend wouldn't so he killed him. The ring had such power it finely drove Smeagol insane. And he became Gollum. [/b][/quote]
Oh Ok, I get it now. My LOTR knowledge is a bit rusty, I read the Hobbit and Fellowship of the Ring and I just started on The Two Towers but I havent got to reading it for awhile.
Kat blushes, that she does! She doesn't speak middle earth and has never seen the movies but this old lady isn't stupid, right Trahald?


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You guys are really weird you know that? I didnt like ROTH and I didnt bother to go see the second one. Id rather watch Harry Potter...wouldnt being a witch be better then a hairy hobbit or a freaked out creature? :lol: HAHAHA :p
Ok...... uh has anyone here read The Unfinished Tales or what about The Silimarilion ? All by J.R.R Tolkien.
Nope dont really like to read long books(or short). Most of the time if you see me reading a book it's about horses :)
Originally posted by Happy29@Sep 1 2003, 03:48 AM
Ok...... uh has anyone here read The Unfinished Tales or what about The Silimarilion ? All by J.R.R Tolkien.
Did read some of the Simiarilian. It lost me so I gave up. :D
Originally posted by Luv4Dale8@Sep 1 2003, 03:40 AM
You guys are really weird you know that? I didnt like ROTH and I didnt bother to go see the second one. Id rather watch Harry Potter...wouldnt being a witch be better then a hairy hobbit or a freaked out creature? :lol: HAHAHA :p
Didn't you know that Gandalf was an honor student at Hogwart. :lol:
Originally posted by Luv4Dale8@Sep 1 2003, 02:40 PM
You guys are really weird you know that? I didnt like ROTH and I didnt bother to go see the second one. Id rather watch Harry Potter...wouldnt being a witch be better then a hairy hobbit or a freaked out creature? :lol: HAHAHA :p
Harry Poter is for kids...LOTR is for adults. Although I'm a huge fan of both. I got the LOTR The Two Towers on DVD about a week ago and it's fantastic and I'm in the middle of reading the third Harry Potter book.

I think Gollum is pretty kool...I was giggling all the way through the part where he was fighting with himself! hehee

What's everyone elses favourite characters in LOTR and even Harry Poter??

Mine are Legolas Greenleaf and Hermione Granger

Which LOTR character are YOU?

Which Harry Potter character are YOU?
Well I know some "older" adults who read these books(HP) and cant wait til the next, not for the children but for themselves. I couldnt find LOTH interesting.
I know. Like I said. I looove Harry Potter too and I don't think I'm considered a child any more :p Doesn't take away the fact that they are indeed childrens books and movies. :) Do you know when the third movie is out for you guys over there?

*I live in Australia.
In the LOTR I had two favorites. Gollum and Legolas.
In HP I favored Snape. Now he was cool.
The differance is that LOTR have been around for over 50 years. They are considered classics. Like Moby Dick and War and Peace.It is required reading in a lot of schools. Not taking away from HP. I did like the movies haven't read the books. I don't think HP will be around in 50 years. Just my opinion.
My favs on LOTR was Arogorn and Legolas. As for HP never cared anything for them.
How did you like "Gollum's Song" with Emiliana Torrini?,did you know she is Icelandic,as Björk?
and me of course
Every time I see HP, I think of horse power.

My favorite LOTR character is Sam, but Gollum is cool too.
Originally posted by Thor@Sep 2 2003, 01:47 AM
How did you like "Gollum's Song" with Emiliana Torrini?,did you know she is Icelandic,as Björk?
and me of course
I had to listen to it when I bought the dvd. It was pretty cool. :lol:
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