Hey Gollum?

Originally posted by BC8@Jul 2 2003, 03:04 PM
Are you a Lord of the Rings fan, by any chance?
Yep sure am. Read the books seen the movies and can't waite for the Return of the King in Dec. :bounce: Picked out Gollum for a user name because he was differant to say the lease.
I LOVE Lord of the Rings. Everything about them.

The first time I saw Fellowship in the threatre, I didn't know the story, hadn't read the books, nothing. And I was sitting there thinking PUT THE RING BACK. Then they got to Bree and Aragorn throws his hood back and I was like, 'Hey I can sit through the rest of it." But when I left the threatre I was like, Thank god it's over.

Well, it came out on dish and I caught bits and pieces of it and then watched the whole thing again and suddenly, with no warning at all I was HOOKED. Still didn't read the books. We went to the midnight premier of Towers and the next morning I started reading the books. I made it through them in record time, just eating them up, loving every page. Then I read the Silmarillion, and then I read the Hobbit and then I read the Rings again.

They're INCREDIBLE. Like, you can watch the movie, but you're only scratching the surface of what actually going on. I think Peter Jackson has done an incredible job with the movies. I can't wait for Return of the King. You know, the teaser poster is out. Let me see if I can post it.

I guess I'm a ringer freak. I'm a big elf fan...particularly Legolas, which I take a lot of heat for over at RPMWarrior.net, but I've learned to live with it. Favorite character is without a doubt Strider. Oh yeah...the king is coming.
Here it is!!! WHOOO!


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I know what you mean. A freind of mine loaned me the books. I wasn't intrested at first. I thought I would read enough of them to tell him I read them. After a few chapters I was hooked. The moveis are great. But they leave out a lot. A person needs to read the books. Don't feel bad Legolas in cool. Gimli good to but I think my favorite is Gandalf.. . Needless to say I like Gollum too. :lol:
Originally posted by BC8@Jul 2 2003, 10:04 AM
Are you a Lord of the Rings fan, by any chance?

I knew it, as soon as you said don't look, this had to be a thread about those hunky fairy guys.


As much as I would love to see ParkHere return, you two would just babble on about those fairy guys for hours.

Yeeesss wees waiteing for Dec.. Rings three comes arnt wees precious :lol:
rubbins...STFU! (Love you, mean it!)

I'm so pumped. December 17th. The only things tiding me over are Pirates of the Caribbean and Hidalgo!

Have you read the Silmarillion?
How about the new Harry Potter book? That looks way cool.
Haven't read any of HP books. Bought the 5th book for my teen daughter and she has loved it. But i did see the two movies they were pretty cool. I enjoyed them. :)
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