Hey Guys


Staff member
Mar 8, 2002
Murray, Kentucky
Well one of my buddys fliped his truck over the weekend and got a DUI. The look of the truck i'll say he is lucky to be alive cause he just had a small cut on his arm. So ya'll please don't drink and drive its not worth having to pay insurance, and court cost plus not being able to drive for a year. and alot more junk that goes with a DUI.


Heres one of inside the cab. :eek: :unsure: :blink:

He just has to thank God that he is alive, cause it could of been a heck of alot worse

from the rear. (was a sliding back glass and the one that was held in with a tooth pic is the one that stayed in)

Looks like he mesed it up pretty good. I rolled a truck over once. It is a scarey feeling. But the bad part you dont know how much trash and dirt in on the floor board untill it is upside down. :)
I hope your friend learned a lesson about Drinking and Driving. He should be greatful that he did not kill someone.
I hope your buddy has helped LOTS of people learn that it's NOT ok to drink and drive!
I'm glad he's OK and hope he has learned his lesson.
A woman in GA died last night and killed others while driving impaired.
that really stinks..sorry to hear that..I hate accidents, and I do not like drivers that drink.....

hey got a question........??

how come Lappy...you got to post pictures? I just went and tried to post a picture and still get the error message......???????????
enquiring minds want to know please......... :lol:
No idea QT! :unsure:

He seems to be doing alright, of corse i have not really got to talk to him much since the wreck.
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