Stop The Presses......CRS was acting up again.....If we trim one side more than the other we blow the roadies. Just get the front end lower than the back to change the deflection. HS sez 5mm and I don't do mm's Talk American goldernitall HS.
I'm saying get the the nose down as far as ya can. The greater the hood angle the better. The worst that can happen is that the front bottoms out going in and bends the valance under rather than trim itself.
As for Ackerman....If it's already adjusted all the way, toe out the left front and see if you can still hold on to it on the straights. It's gonna be squirlly (how ya speel dat).
Don't change bodies yet.....everybody loves new tires.....but if you do, for gosh sake do not offset the holes and put em both in the middle instead of off to the left. At least keep em lined up on the left if nothing else. I know the standard practice is in front of the head but I really don't think it's all that important. Besides, a hotter cylinder/piston produces closer tolerances which in turn produces more compression if I'm not mistaken.
And yes we can get to mash the gas coming off. We've always relied on turning in with the passing at the end of the straight. What we want is to just get a door underneath going in, hold the bottom, and scream away coming off. If they can't catch us coming off, they'll never catch us going in. We got the best turn-in out there but giving up a bit of in to get the out might be the key.
Speaking of screaming.....TOO TIGHT TOO TIGHT TOO TIGHT......It's the main complaint. Just once I want to hear Loose Off.
Tires.....Just for spits and giggles (if ya got one) throw a foam on the left front for a short run. If we are not gripping the left front it won't be wearing as much anyways.
Motor.....Go with the Novarossi/Barrel carb if it doesn't give up too much at the top end only as a last resort.
Frame Flex....Don't worry about it yet. The only time that will be a factor is when we change tracks....If sponsor has more money to spend get a bigger spring or tire variety.
Video Tape!!!!!
Set a camera up facing the nose of the car just past the apex. Gots to know what the rollover factor is. That's why folks paint a bright stripe at the bottom of the valance.
Ohhhhhhh kay..........
Great news about the fuse....gosh it rhymes.
All four hatchlings are still alive along with 3 of 4yearlings. If there are more hatchlings in the yard I haven't spotted them yet.