Hey Hungout...


Team Owner
Apr 30, 2002
You joined this forum, so why come here to bash other peoples opinions? If you would like to be a member great but please respect others and we will gladly respect you.
I am sure you are not alone with your frustration of todays race, but you don't have to mean to the people on here that don't have any control of the racing.
Good point Dee.Even though I agree with a few of HO's points...thats not the way to express them.

So just relax and breathe....the plates are over for a while,ho!
Well glad we cleared that up. Welcome to the Forum. There are a lot of great people on here, with a lot of different opinions but we all tend to get along pretty well.
Originally posted by 97forever@Apr 6 2003, 05:28 PM
Good point Dee.Even though I agree with a few of HO's points...thats not the way to express them.

So just relax and breathe....the plates are over for a while,ho!
Uh..I should have abreviate that h.o,I guess.Welcome aboard!You will enjoy it here! :cheers:
Originally posted by paul@Apr 6 2003, 06:11 PM

Let's all try to be a little nicer. :)
did anyone else grin seein paul say this... ;)
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