Hey Kat


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
We're up to 7 cats now, one of which is preganant (Shop Cat).

The 2 new Kittens we got yesterday (Mom picked them up as strays in the parking lot at the casino):

On the left (more white) is Spot, on the right (more colorful) is Patches

'Shop Cat' (thats her legal name on file at the Vet too :D :cool: )

My Cat (Spunky)

The whole Family:

Top to Bottom:

The cat family just roams the property and house, Shop cat lives in the shop (we brought her in the house, she didnt want to have any of it), and the 2 new kittens live downstairs, in the shop, and in my room.

Bandit found smokey under a school bus during a walk, who gave birth to kittens that we have to a friend, one of which had neptune that we took back when smokey wouldnt come out from under the house, spunky walked in the driveway looking for a home, spunkey and neptune hooked up and out came Radar. Shop cat walked up similar to Spunky, and we aint sure who the father to her kids are (we'll know before long).

Bandit got his name cuz he lieks to steal things...dont leave your lunch anywhere lower than 4' if he's in the room and you're not.

Smokey got her name cuz my parents liked to watch smokey and the bandit

Neptune got his name cuz the gas around neptune appears white and he's albino and deaf

Spunky's name is self explanitory similar to Bandit's

Radar got her name cuz for the first year of her life she had a little black circle on the top of her head that we would joke was her satelite dish

Shop Cat's name is self explanitory (did I mention she comes to her name?)

Spot got her name because her colors are more in spots than her sister

Patches got her name because her colors are more in patches than her sister's
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