Hey TRL!


Staff member
Jun 14, 2002
Burleson, TX
I don't think you will be in the direct path, but hope you have battened down the hatches! Looks like Texas is in for a real bumpy ride this weekend!!! From the looks of it, I'll be in the path of it after Rita makes landfall! My sister has gotten everything she can think of loaded into her SUV and will be headed to Bryan/College Station in the morning. The traffic is already bad she said. Stay safe and I'll do the same!
Y'all take care and take no chances. This is a massive and powerful storm. Best of luck to majestyx and TRL. Many moons ago I lived in Beaumont for about 4 or 5 years. I am glad I no longer live there as this storm will give it a pretty good lick.
This is the exact reason I left Houston 2 years ago. I knew, sooner or later, the big one would come and I didn't want to be there.

We could sure use some rain up here in Palestine. Everything is brown and parched. The trees are losing leaves because they are so stressed.

The hatches are being battened down, anyway. Since it looks as if we could have some 50-60 mph wind gusts, all movables are being stowed away.

maj, tell your sis that she'd be better off heading west to San Antonio/Kerrville/Junction --- anywhere out I-10 to the west.
TRL, her husband works and stays in Bryan during the week, and that's why she'll be going up there. Otherwise, she'd be coming to my house.
To ALL my Texas friends, I'll keep y'all in my thoughts and prayers.
This is going to be another nasty one.
The latest I hear, it's NOT gonna be a small one and NOA is forcasting Hurricane force winds as far north as Maj's home area.
{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} to ALL Y'ALL

Fourisis was also forced to evacuate AGAIN, solet's keep her in our thoughts as well.
Thanks for the hugs Kat. My sister just made a 13 hour trip, one that would normally have only taken 30-35 minutes. That was just to a friend's house so that they could all leave out together. And, now that won't happen until midnight tonight at the earliest. She wouldn't use her car air conditioning, afraid she would run out of gas. Her friends will be getting her fed, into the shower and then to bed for some sleep. She's beat.

Thoughts and prayers to any others that are having to deal with Rita.
Y'all also have my thoughts and prayers.

This is a nice board with nice people. Lets keep everyone around for a while. :) Stay safe and no chances.
muggle not said:
Y'all also have my thoughts and prayers.

This is a nice board with nice people. Lets keep everyone around for a while. :) Stay safe and no chances.
My friend who just moved to houston from baton rouge is staying put, he said he's on high ground and was afraid of running out of gas, getting jacked or overheating in the gridlock...he figured he could be at home or in his car and chose at home...wishes he had a gun if things go apes&*t, but I hope not.
Axl, I have a friend who used to live in Cypress, not far from TomBall. She and her family now live in Austin. I love the Houston area(except for the heat and humidity during peak summer months).
It now looks like Tab and Bow will be getting a lot of rain.
Thousands have been flown to my area, including the elderly and infirm.
Prayers and thoughts to ALL!
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