HEY Wide Open Photo


Staff member
Sep 7, 2002
You and the guys may be getting cookies from a lady named Lily. When I went to the post office to mail the cookies, an interesting thing happened. As I was filling out the customs form, a lady asked me what I was doing. I told her I was sending cookies to the guys in Iraq. I explained about your request to the r-f group.

She said that it was a nice thing to do. Well, when I got up to the window and was ready to pay the postage, this lady paid it for me. She said it was the least she could do for you guys over there. She copied the address off the box and said that she would also send cookies for the guys . You just may be getting a whole bunch of cookies. If you get to many, you can always pass them out to any of the other groups there. I hope I didn't do anything wrong when I told everyone what I was doing.

All the people in the post offce wanted me to tell you "thanks". Also, how proud they are of you and everyone else who's there fighting. All of the troops have a lot of support from those of us in the land of the cheese. I hope you guys enjoy the cookies. Stay safe.
Can't wait. Everything that everyone is sending is YUMMY!
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