Hmm, No Link To Al Quaeda Eh?

Wait untill how many people, including France, say this tape was fake and is just a ploy to go to war.
Right know us evil Americans fergy...just war hungry cowboys making up lies for oil! :rolleyes:
Was a tape of Bin Laden calling out for American killings and to be sure to back the Iraqi brotherhood.
I'm sorry that I keep targeting the French....its kinda rude and not right that I keep picking on them.

I need to add Germany and Russia with them. <_<
Um, all this does is prove they have a common enemy. Which everyone obviously already knew. And so Osama is trying to make this into a holy war, again no big surprise. This didn't prove jack to me, I already knew all this.
Osama called Saddam an infadel. His message was towards the people of Iraq. Like I said he's trying to make this into a holy war. I'm starting to think this message proves the opposite. And before you call be a bleeding heart leberal, or whatever, check out what John Mccain said this morning. He basically said exactly what my last post was. He also thinks its in Osama's benefit for us to go to war with Iraq and take the heat off him. It could give him more time to plan his next attack, or the next after the current one ect. I'm all for taking these guys out, but I have yet to see proof to link them. And to use the reasoning for a war on Iraq as Sept.11th is not acceptable to me. I think its a slap in the face of the brave americans who risked their lives in those planes, and to the rest of them in the towers.
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