Holiday Weekend Plans?


Secret Agent Man
Apr 6, 2005
Southern California.
Anybody got plans for the three-day?
I'm going to spend part of the weekend moving stuff to the storage unit (girlfriend is moving in, bachelor stuff's gotta go).
After that, I'm just gonna relax.
Not much here.After getting a little rain probably just end up cutting the grass.
I know for sure I'll be at Virginia Motor Speedway on Saturday for the final points race of the season. Possibly Potomac Speedway on Sunday night if I can find a flash to borrow.
Friends comin in Sat mornin to stay the weekend, volley ball, horse shoes, fishing, boating etc, I,ll be the one with my ass in a lawn chair, adult beverage in hand, watching the grill and the races.
Not sure yet, my brothers b-day is Monday which means a trip to Mass. My son's buddy and our family friend Joe is home on leave from Afganistan and has expressed a extreme desire for a slab of my ribs. Might just take care of the 'boy'. :) EMT/FF pic-a-nic/raffle/auction is Sunday.
Whatever and where ever it happens it'll be fun.
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