Holtz leaves

Skip Holtz bolts from Easy U (ECU) to Central Florida. My wife is crying as I type.
So am I. Why would he leave ECU for Central Florida. I could understnad if it was to Notre Dame or some school like that. Besides he will not find a better AD to work for than Terry Holland.
So am I. Why would he leave ECU for Central Florida. I could understnad if it was to Notre Dame or some school like that. Besides he will not find a better AD to work for than Terry Holland.
I can't answer that one except to say that I guess he figures the Big East gives him more exposure.
As much as I kind of like E.C.U. as like a step brother team, South Florida is in a B.C.S. conference, meaning more exposure, more talent rich recruiting pool of South Florida( leftovers from F state, Miami and the Florida Tebows), and more money from revenue sharing, better facilities. ECU kind of has a decent football tradition, but I think Levitt built a program that has bypassed ECU. I hate giving him credit because Levitt gives me the creeps.
Apparently what I read was wrong. An article on ESPN say that Holtz has been introduced at South Florida. Not to again tell the wife. She will fall asleep crying on my shoulder. :growl: I like that. She's my sweetie.;)
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