Home Depot



there's a comment in jayski that Tony's worried about being booted by Home Depot before practice Friday!
Here are the details:

Home Depot May Dump Stewart? For the second year in a row, Tony Stewart is on probation. Following an incident after the Brickyard 400 last weekend NASCAR officials fined Stewart $10,000 and placed him on probation through the end of the year. NASCAR also is requiring Stewart issue a formal apology. Stewart feels lucky to get off so easy with the sanctioning body. His concern now is that sponsor Home Depot and car owner Joe Gibbs might not be so forgiving. "I'm worried,'' Stewart said. "The people at Home Depot are not happy.'' The next 48 hours are crucial to his career in Winston Cup racing. Should executives at Home Depot decide Stewart is more liability than asset, the ax could fall before practice starts for the Sirius Satellite Radio at Watkins Glen on Friday. Stewart has expressed regret that the incident occurred and is taking steps to help him avoid similar outcomes in the future. For his part, Mook says the media has blown the incident out of proportion. Mook says Stewart hit him only once, not the two, three or even four times claimed by others.
Wow, but I would be surprised if that happens mid-way through the season.

Besides, Joe Gibbs and The Home Depot guys are in bed together with the Atlanta Falcons ownership deal....
IMO, this would be the biggest bonehead move ever if Home Depot dumped Tony. It's not like they're going to find a more talented driver. Idiots...
This may be a ploy from Joe Gibbs and Home Depot. I think once Tony got word that Home Depot and Gibbs might dump him he realized that he has a serious problem and that he needs professional help. I mean, Zippy clearly dropped the message that Tony got very frustrated and quit during the Brickyard on Sunday. You gotta wonder where he would be today if his head was screwed on straight.
"I'm worried,'' Stewart said. "The people at Home Depot are not happy.''

How does that translate to "being booted by Home Depot"?

Unreal, of course he's going to apologize to his sponsor. Tony Stewart does more for his primary sponsor than any driver in the field.
I don't see Home Depot..........droping Tear'em up Tony, no way!:mad:
Well I doubt Home Depot drops Tony.

He is not detremental to his sponsor....every guy who swings a hammer understands frustration.

Yes he needs help. I feel he often mistakes racing for real life. (read his book) He needs to rein himself in a bit. Just a bit.

But respect is a two way street. The press and the fans need to understand that.

It may well be time for NASCAR to examin the "open door" policy of the garage area.
Originally posted by Lizzycat

He is not detremental to his sponsor....every guy who swings a hammer understands frustration.

And there ain't too many of us that won't bop yer lights out double quick if ya get in our space.:D

Besides, let em dump him. Tony could do one-offs for the rest of the year with almost any team in the garage, and he would fit right in with RCR or Roush or even Chip.

Can you imagine Gordon, Harvick, and Stewart ALL on the same team? Or Kurt, Tony, Matt, and Greg? Even ol Mark would benifit from this by just following these guys around waiting for them to wreck everybody.

speaking of which, can you imagine what kind of a blocking back the donut boy would be?:rolleyes:
I still fail to see how anything of what Tony said leads to Home Depot thinking about leaving the 20 car.
Jayski's reporting that JGR has officially denied that rumor to Nascar.com.....
Of course they have. It's just people making rumors for the sake of making rumors.
All this talk is based on Jayski's speculation.

Of course, everything here is just speculation until it is proven to be true. Unless Home Depot does leave the #20 team (which they'd be crazy to), we'll never know.

Sorry, guess I don't type fast enough!
And Jayski is a clown for speculating.

Can someone tell me where one would think that Home Depot is leaving based on what Tony said?
While jay's IS a great site, at times it reminds me of the Cow Gives Birth To Alien Baby stuff I see in the supermarket check out line.
I think the sentence that followed Tony's quote, which said something about a decision that might be made before practice on Friday, might have been interpreted to have come from Tony rather than Jayski's opinion.
Home Depot isn't going anywhere. Home Depot and Gibbs are tight. I think too many people take things out of context and assume that sponsors will dump a driver over the smallest incident. Remember the big topic of Goodwrench and Harvick.
Home Depot or any sponsor for that matter will always issue a statement commenting that they are concerned about an incident, if they didn't what message would that send to the public.

As far as this latest incident with Stewart, everytime something like this happens with Stewart one thought always comes to mind. Do you all remember that segment last year when they did an interview with Stewart's parents, sister, etc. Remember his Dad saying I always taught Tony that if he didn't feel he could win why even go? I think Tony had something very strongly pounded into his brain at a very early age. And I do agree, I think some counseling would be very helpful to Tony. You can't be a winner every time, and how you look at that means the difference in good sportsmanship and these outburst that come from Tony occassionally. He's in a sport that is very much in the public eye, he needs to take the good with the bad like the rest of them do. I know a lot of fans feel that Tony shouldn't have to put up with the media hounding him, but the media hounds the majority of the drivers also. We all get frustrated, but do we lash out physically at the first person that tends to annoy us. It's not being PC to act like an adult in a frustrating situation. It's just known as being a mature adult. All this bull about PC and not being PC is just a way to put stereotypes on people. We can be known as someone who speaks our minds, but it's in the way that we do, that makes the difference.
Some may feel that Tony is loaded with talent and that all these events have nothing to do with his driving ability. I say it does, he lets his frustrations in the car take over his driving ability.The two are connected.
Jayski did the same thing with Bobby. Bobby said something to the effect of, "things aren't working right now," and he turned it into a big shakeup that will rock the team. We have to realize, and I'll admit I make this mistake often, that his site is just a rumor-mill.
Tony's not going anywhere. It would be rediculus for them to dump him. He's their most important employee.
While jay's IS a great site, at times it reminds me of the Cow Gives Birth To Alien Baby stuff I see in the supermarket check out line

It is a great site, but your right on in this instance!
I agree that that would be a bad move,If Home Depot did leave they had other reasons than what Tony did.I believe Tony still has a Home with Home Depot.;)
Nah, Stewart is getting what he wants in Gibbs. He wanted Chevy, He got Chevy. Dont see why he would leave after all that. But If Home Depot Leaves...ya never know.
Don King Productions said they will sponser Boom Boom Tony,If Home Depot leaves.:p :takethat: :cookoo:
Just to clarify something.

The story or rumor that Home Depot would dump Tony did not come from Jayski. It was reported by the Tampa Tribune and their article was simply put up by Jayski with a link cited where you could go to the source.

That is what 80% of the rumors on that site are. They are not Jayski speculationg or surmising or even reporting. He simply acts as clearing house for the many articles, stories and other news NASCAR generates everyday.

Jayski will on occassions report some item that has come to him from one of his own sources. When he does that it will begin with "I hear" or " I have been told" or something to that effect. The item will not be followed by a link.

Not a real important deal, but it seemed Jayski was catching some flak for simply running his web site.
HOME DEPOT will not dump Tony.............too much lost $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I'm of the opinion that Jayski's is the most important nascar related site on the net.

More like a magazine stand than a magazine. Any mis-information that is spread is the result of healine grabbing wanna be journalist more that J's.

I could write that sources cllose to Hollywood insiders are advising Britney not to see Jeff again untill after the divorce, fire it off to any number of online racing sites, and within two days the rumor mongers would have them being spotted on the southern coast of France.
I don't think Home Depot would dump Stewart b/c they know they are with a good team and they are getting good results. But his short-temper is probably not an image that company wants people to relate to them. Stewart's getting help so we'll see what happens, but would be surprised if Home Depot left.
Home Depot would be stupid to drop one of the best drivers out there.
At up to (and over sometimes) a quarter mill per minute for ad space during major sports stuff on tv, HD is raking it in with their investment in Tony.

The only bad press is no press.
The last number released did not show Home Depot as one of the top 5 in exposure dollars.

Admittedly they are not suffering for exposure, but why assume they could not get comparable exposure elsewhere. I am not sure how many bucks the Home Depot deal is worth to JGR, but would imagine it is his best sponsorship in terms of dollars. Would not surprise me at all to learn that is fairly highly ranked in WC racing sponsorships as well.

The contract with JGR and Home Depot runs through 2004, not sure if any option years are included before or after that year. While favorite sayings as "any ink is good ink" and such have a basic truth underlying them, should Home Depot desire they can take their money and find a team that will give them equal exposure without the obvious downside.
I don't see why this topic is even being discussed, as it's mearly a rumor that's been proven false.

I found it an interesting theoritical discussion. It's basis in fact was not an issue.

oh well...............
Accept my apologies HS, that wasn't directed towards you directly.

It was just a general comment.
Fair enough, no problem:)

So how much is the Home Depot sponsorship worth??

Don't recall having heard any numbers on it.

Have heard:

Dupont is around 16 Mil
UPS is around 14 -15 Mil
Pfiser is ariund the same

Havoline is around 10 Mil reportedly and the M&M's deal is alleged to be coming it 11 -12 Mil.

Home Depot gotta be in the 12+ range, I'm guessing.
I bet the makers of Prozac would pay alot to sponsor the 20 car. just joking paul :D
Yer absolutley right HS.....the HD colors are highly visible and it the value of any winning driver has got to be measured in more than just tv time.

Mikey and Napa, Tony and HD, DJ and UPS, Little E and Bud. General Motors is still using The Big E in the form of Taz and probably will for years to come. Interesting ad note is the latest Penzoil racing commercial hardly shows Steve Park at all. Uou can bet yer boots they ain't happy about not having a stock car in Victory Lane as of late.

Best guess is that guys at Dodge are going bananas right now. Look for Awesome Bill in a big ol Dodge truck real soon.
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