Home Depot???????



How many people actually were thinking of Home Depot when you heard about the Tony Stewart incident?

In all honesty I prefer to buy brand name products that the Nascar Winston Cup drivers are sponsored by to kind of support the racing community (call me an idiot or whatever). And I have a Lowes and Home Depot store here in my town, and I do frequent both stores. But the thing is when this happened Home Depot never crossed my mind at all. The thing I was more concerned with was that a lawsuit would probably be brought against Tony. Tell me what you folks thought about when you heard about it.
i wasnt thinking of the home depot, i was thinking how much of an idiot this guy is.

but my point is, that when its reported around the world, the statement is usually read. Tony Stewart, the driver of the home depot pontiac did so and so.
Originally posted by NewmanFan
How many people actually were thinking of Home Depot when you heard about the Tony Stewart incident?...

But the thing is when this happened Home Depot never crossed my mind at all.. .

Home Depot sure took care of that didn't they? This is a very crappy publicity stunt.
how much money does Home Depot put out for Tony to go racing?

I don't think Home Depot pulled any kind of Stunt! Tony did all the doing here!

I'm not for or against Tony. I just wish he'd get it to gether & let the media do there thing. He needs to learn to smile @ them & they wouldn't have a story then.

I didn't watch IRCO. Did Tont really quit before the end of the race?

Good Luck Tony!
Dei fan that is a great point!!! I was thinking that he was an Idiot as well but then I started to take his side and say he may have been provoked or something, then I started thinking I really didnt care one way or the other. But when he got fined by Home Depot i think that is when I realized that Home Depot knows how he acts when he doesnt have things go his way, he crys and whines and hits things or people, so why didnt they do this last year when he was about to tear Gary Nelson a new one @ Daytona or why dont they just drop the sponsorship!!!!!!!
The following are quotes from the involved parties here. While comments released for public consumption in these circumstances, I hope the sentiments expressed by all the parties are sincere.

As for myself this circus is over and has left town. Let us hope it never returns.

TONY STEWART, driver of the #20 Home Depot Pontiac…
"This was my heart attack, my wake-up call. There is no excuse for what I've done. I'm very sorry, and I don't really expect anyone to forgive me.

"Meeting with Mr. Mook is now my first priority. He didn't deserve any of this, and my apology to him needs to come face-to-face, as soon as possible.

"I know I have a problem with keeping my emotions in check. After all of this, I've felt as low as I've ever felt. But it's probably exactly what I needed to make me seek help. A hard fall like this will tend to jar you back to reality. I'm looking forward to making myself better… better as a person and better in dealing with the things life sends your way - the good and the bad."

JOE GIBBS, owner of Joe Gibbs Racing…
"Tony has made a commitment to us and we've made a commitment to him. He knows he needs help in controlling his emotions and we're going to do all we can to help and support him. All of our resources, as well as the resources of Home Depot, have been made available to Tony. He has been an integral part of this race team for almost five years now, and we want him to be an integral part of our organization for many years to come. We're confident incidents such as this one are in the past and won't be repeated in the future."

GREG ZIPADELLI, crew chief on the #20 Home Depot Pontiac…
"This has been a tough experience for all of us, but I'm also a firm believer that all of this can only make us better. Tony has made that first step, admitting he has a problem and needs help, and we're going to do all we can to support him. I'm going to be there as a friend, and we're all going to make this work. No one is ever alone on this race team. It's a pretty tight-knit group that has always rallied and endured the tough times. Tony knows that.

"For us, the best medicine is racing, and there's a lot of racing left. Tony is going to do what he needs to do off the track and we're going to do everything we need to do on the track. We're all in this together, and we're going to come out of it together, too."

HUGH MISKEL, director of sales promotion for The Home Depot…
"We support Tony Stewart and Joe Gibbs Racing and we will help provide any and all resources needed to see this situation through. We have always viewed our sponsorship with Joe Gibbs Racing and our relationship with Tony Stewart as a partnership, and despite the events of the past week, those beliefs have not changed. We remain committed to Tony Stewart and Joe Gibbs Racing."
I didn't think of home depot when i heard about this incident, only thing that entered my mind was "I thought Tony Stewart had calmed down" guess I was wrong.........:(
.....The whole thing is a snapshot of what is wrong with WC Racing........It seems what really happened was that tony dod not PUNCH the photoguy......he pushed him away with an open hand to the chest........You cannot take a competitor of the type that drives a Winston Cup car .... put a mic or a lens in his face as soon as he exits the car and be assured of a Mary Poppins event. Give these guys a safe area in the garage areas, and let the press stay in the pres center.
Originally posted by wolfriver
.....The whole thing is a snapshot of what is wrong with WC Racing........It seems what really happened was that tony dod not PUNCH the photoguy......he pushed him away with an open hand to the chest........You cannot take a competitor of the type that drives a Winston Cup car .... put a mic or a lens in his face as soon as he exits the car and be assured of a Mary Poppins  event.  Give these guys a safe area in the garage areas,  and let the press stay in the pres center.

I agree. If I were Tony I probably would have felt the same way.
Originally posted by wolfriver
.....The whole thing is a snapshot of what is wrong with WC Racing........It seems what really happened was that tony dod not PUNCH the photoguy......he pushed him away with an open hand to the chest........You cannot take a competitor of the type that drives a Winston Cup car .... put a mic or a lens in his face as soon as he exits the car and be assured of a Mary Poppins  event.  Give these guys a safe area in the garage areas,  and let the press stay in the pres center.

I think you just hit the nail square on the head wolfriver. It's been blown way out of porportion and then for Home Depot to come along and publicly add embarassment to the incident. Home Depot should have taken their concerns up with Joe Gibbs in private........not with Tony in public!! Cheap publicity stunt at it's worse!:(

By the way......WELCOME to the boards wolfriver!!:) First post I've seen from you...........have a beer on me!!:D :beerchug: :beerchug:
Very Nice wolfriver... And to think you only have 2 posts. Man welcome to the racing forum. Glad to have you---although im not anything but a punk rookie myself------HAHAHA
Let them do their job??? Thats the whole problem, they have no right to do what the reporter did. I'd love to see what anyone on this message board would do in similar situations. Tony tried to get away, but wasn't allowed. I'm willing to bet 50+% of people on here would do the same. I know I would. Reporters do not have free reign to do whatever they want. :mad:

Paul where are you to back me up :)
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