Hospital helps VJGC




* Hospital boosts Victory Junction High Point Regional Health System [NC] has signed on as the third Triad health-care facility to serve as a founding hospital for the Victory Junction Gang Camp . The hospital announced Thursday it will be providing representatives to the camp's medical planning committees, as well as having staff actively participate in camp activities when they begin in June 2004. Founding hospitals also will provide assistance in equipping and supplying the Victory Junction Medical Center.(High Point Enterprise)(12-21-2002)
When I win the PowerBall of $280 million(and climbing possibly over 300 million by wensday) on christmas I am giving at least $2 million to the VJCG
if i won it i would give it all the money they needed to get up and started
Heck i think I would too!!! Plus I would give a certain team or two a million to keep them running. Sarah Fishers IRL ride would be one, and the 44 if no sponsor was found.
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