


Keep old Gollum in your thoughts. I will be going into the hospital come Mon. at 7:00. I have a pace maker and the battery is going down. They are going to replace the whole thing so I will be there a couple of days. I will also be off work about two weeks. But I think I will survive. Or at least I hope. :cheers:
I will be thinking about you and adding you to my prayer list.

You keep your chin up cause you going to do just fine !!!!

You will pull through and be back here in no time........
Take care Gollum, we'll be thinking of you. While you're there, get the new extended warranty on the battery. Make sure you get an interstate! :eek: :p :D
I knew they should have put an Energizer in there. :D You'll be fine big Brother. We'll be there Monday to see ya.
Gollum :wub: you are always in my thoughts! Please give spoke4 my email addie so he can keep me up to date.
You'll be fine and those new energizers will keep you tickin!
Hang in the buddy! Best wishes, and I hope everything goes great for ya.
You'll be back good as new, Gollum. Just a few minor adjustments! Sending you good thoughts! :)
Originally posted by majestyx@Oct 9 2004, 12:19 AM
You'll be back good as new, Gollum. Just a few minor adjustments! Sending you good thoughts! :)
Thanks everybody. Wont find a greater bunch of people on any forum. :cheers:
Still alive and kicking. Maybe not as high as I should but I'll get there. :lol:
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