Benevolent One
Team Owner
My brother finally found a guy who works on his type of bike in this area and doesn't charge an arm and a leg for it. Granted his bike isn't extremely common, but I'd imagine that in places like California, and maybe some southern states where you can ride all year long, motorcycle service is much more common and perhaps competitive than it is here in the land of storing your bike a lot more than ever riding it.
I was just wondering what kind of experiences some of you all may have from other areas.
This is what he was wanting some lower engine work done on and a few other things. This pic isn't his actual bike, but it's virtually identical.
It is a '72 Triumph 650 Tiger
I was just wondering what kind of experiences some of you all may have from other areas.
This is what he was wanting some lower engine work done on and a few other things. This pic isn't his actual bike, but it's virtually identical.
It is a '72 Triumph 650 Tiger