How BIG is football in Texas........well


Oct 30, 2002
NJ to NC to FL

The year is 2024 and the United States has just elected the first woman President.

A few days after the election, the president-elect called her parents in Rockport, TX and asked: "I assume you will be coming to my inauguration?"

"I don't think so. It is a long way and your mom isn't as young as she use to be. We have the animals to take care of, too. And my arthritis is actin' up in my knee."

"Don't worry about it, Dad. I will send Air Force One to pick you up and take you home."

"I don't know. Everyone will be so fancy and all we have are Coastal Clothes."

"Oh, dad. I will make sure you have custom-made clothes for the inauguration."

"Honey," dad complained. "You know we can't eat those rich foods anymore."

"Don't worry, dad. I will ensure your meals are salt-free. Dad, I really want you to come."

So her parents reluctantly agreed and on January 20, 2024 they arrived to see their daughter sworn in as President of the United States.

They were seated in the front row by a Senator. The dad leaned over and whispered "You see that woman up there with her hand on the Bible?"

"Yes, I do." said the Senator.

Dad proudly declared, "Her brother played football for Texas A&M."
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