How did you find out/ or got to Racing-Forums?



Just a bit on the curious side, how'd everyone or the majority willing to answer find out about or got to Racing Forums?

Me? How did I get here? I was bored one day, obviously (to end up with 1800 something posts 30 something days later). I registered at Race Sim Central Forum, but it was too big with I dont know 10000 or 20000 something members, I started my own forum, it was obviously too small and I found out that I was kicked out of another forum because of reasons that would take an entire automated sophisticated robot of cybernetic supernatural power to decipher. Then I looked all over the web and I found Racing-Forums so I decided to register here and I posted like 100 something posts my first day here, then you know how the rest happens.
Someone over mentioned. And it seemed like all the people on that board wanted to talk about was how cute Tony is, so I came over here.
June 14, 2002 was the great migration from Thats forums. Somebody dropped this address over there and alot of us came over here.
Yeah, what bowtie said. Oh, and the person was kat2220. Thank you sooooooooooo much kat for that post. I probably never would have found this place otherwise! And the rest they say is history! :D
I also came over from the forums. I came over a few days after the great migration.
Someone, I think it was Paul, posted a link in a chat room i went to. All it said was click here so I did and it came to this place. I read it for a few minutes then registered and started chatting away! Now 4,000 or so posts later I am still here
wow... it cool to hear the history of the members and how you got here. met paul thru a mutual friend visited a quite a bit as a lurker, never registered though. dunno why. Then the rest is history. :)
I was cruising the Jayski limk pages and went to the chat room and forums one and here i am today...
Originally posted by PettyBenson4510@Aug 15 2003, 09:51 AM
Someone, I think it was Paul,  posted a link in a chat room i went to. All it said was click here so I did and it came to this place. I read it for a few minutes then registered and started chatting away! Now 4,000 or so posts later I am still here
Me too, but I didn't come right away...wasn't until after I got tired of the crap at the board I was at.

I never posted at TR either, didn't look like much racing talk was going on over there, but I used to chat in TR's chat room a few years back.
Invited by a friend who was later banned (I believe) from this board earlier in the year.

There were some things going on here and I left about a month or two after joining but decided to return since this board seems to be a lot more civil since the change in administration.
Originally posted by majestyx@Aug 15 2003, 09:26 AM
Yeah, what bowtie said. Oh, and the person was kat2220. Thank you sooooooooooo much kat for that post. I probably never would have found this place otherwise! And the rest they say is history! :D
AND except for a few problems, (well some serious), I still like this forum! Thanks Majx, but it was someone else who turned me to this forum from TR.

I now (as do many here) also post on another forum and am VERY happy there.

Thanks to ALL who have welcomed me back after the winter "vacation".

TRL, IMHO, YOU are the best thing that ever happened to this forum, and a HUGE THANK YOU! On the other hand, you join every forum. LOL

Guido, SWEETIE, I have missed you! But please don't totally give up on the other forum. CB ant KT among others miss you.

May I PURRR again???
I was a member of And someone posted the link so thought I would try it out . Haven't been back to TR. That was one year ago. :D
I found the name of this place mentioned on TR and wanted to check it out. What I saw I liked, so I joined. I've enjoyed the raids we had in the past but as you can see I'm not the chatty cathy of the place. I do like coming here, and will continue to. Happy all the "problems" seem to be gone.

Guido, I miss seeing you and reading your tour trips! Hope I wasn't the one to upset you. Come back and see us!
When Qwaz (Paul) started Pentemeter over two years ago, he put a theard on TR to invite members. Most of TR gave him a cussing for tring to take members away. I came over to get away from TR. I have been here to see it all. I think we have had about 3 moves, and carried a chair in each move. :lol:
Originally posted by sgbg88@Aug 15 2003, 06:40 PM

Guido, I miss seeing you and reading your tour trips! Hope I wasn't the one to upset you. Come back and see us!
Not at all, dear lady. ;)

You weren't one of the attitude cases that I encountered there.

I miss many of my friends there but I am afraid that I won't be back. At least not any time soon. I don't like the word never. :D

Good to see you here.
Hope you've been doing OK your way. How are the trips going and where are you headed next? Be sure and tell me if you get to meet DJ! B)
Originally posted by sgbg88@Aug 15 2003, 07:10 PM
Hope you've been doing OK your way. How are the trips going and where are you headed next? Be sure and tell me if you get to meet DJ! B)
I'll be leaving for Bristol on Wednesday morning.

Nascar Cafe in Johnson City on Wednesday night, State St. festival on Thursday and at the speedway on Friday and Saturday.

Doubt that I will get to see DJ this time. Maybe in Dover when we have a special deal there for the pre-race.
I came over in the great migration from TR that Bowtie spoke of.Like a lot of you guys I am a 'fourteener'....a lot of us joined on june 14th,2002.(Actually,I was never invited here...just found the other guys on here by sheer coincidence.)Anyway,this is a great gang here and I am proud to be a part of it.
I got here via a Google search for Nascar forums...

Boy did I luck out!

This place is great! :cheers:
I was over at TR and I believe it was Awesome Bill who posted about this place. I joined up and have been here ever since.
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