How long will it go on


Team Owner
Sep 16, 2001
Boston, MA
With all the rumblings that have been going on in the garages about the DEI cars being illegal, I'm wondering if NASCAR is bold enough to simply ignore the protests and keep them quiet as best they can or actually do something about it.

Think they will be quite about it. Remember, Earnhardt Sr was best at RP races and his team needs to continue his legacy. It sells tickets.
Just bc one team has done its research at certain type of tracks does not mean that they are illegal. Mikey has ALWAYS done good at Daytona and Dega, from when he drove the #30 car in the late 80s to mid 90s, to the #7 Matai car to the Wood Brother car. Now when he got to DEI he was able to finaly capitlaize on his great runs. He learned from DW!!

With all the DEI teams runnign great last week goes to show that they are starting to turn things around and might be a threat at non-rp tracks. Jr is more serious this year and focused on winning.

I don't think DEI is cheating, many drivers have also said that DEI has just been doign there work better than everyone eles. DEI might be working more in the gray area than others!
NASCAR might look into the aligations but I don't think they will find anything!!!
I heard an interview with steve once that in his rookie season he almost didn't qualify for the Daytona 500, when Dale got back to the shop monday Dale was upset that a car with his name on it couldnt run well at either daytona/talladega. I think he said that they decided to spend more money and focus on the plate races than their other programs for just that reason
Well, I think they've done a good enough job. Now, they might want to start spending some money for other tracks.
Why should they? They get enough money by just winning those. Those are the only races ESPN and other sports news programs report on. Those get the big exposure...they have no desire to invest money into trying to win championships...they roll in enough money as it is.
my thought is this. get a life other than dwelling on DEI and DAYTONA. :cheers:
nobody has accused them of cheating at DEGA yet. We haven't made that trip yet. :lilangel:
I really think NASCAR likes things just the way they are. If they haven't stopped them yet, I don't see them stepping up now.
hard to stop somebody kickin a$$ and takin names and not cheating
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin@Mar 5 2003, 02:02 PM
If they haven't stopped them yet, I don't see them stepping up now.
But why would they want to stop? All they want is a DEI or RCR car up front and that's what they're getting.
You guys beat all I've ever seen. You can't prove that to me so let it go.
I guess when Gordon won 13 races a few years ago that was all scripted?
when Alan K. won the championship they paid Bill Elliott and Davey to loose?

get a life :lol: :lol: :lol:
Better get use to this kind of thread. Maybe we could have a poll on a new name for this place. How about "The best forum around for discussing how DEI cheats and Nascar lets"---If that's too long how about this "I Don't Like" This seems to be the topic of most of the discussion around here. :rolleyes:

Why won't you leave this alone. You are not going to sway the DEI fans to your way of thinking (even though it's wrong, they don't get special help ;)) and we are not going to sway you to our side. I wish you spent as much time on Tony as you do this subject. But I guess Tony never does anything outside of the rulebook. B) Please move on and talk about something else :)
Obsession is said to be the most dangerous symptom of psychotic behavior. Paul is borderline and if DEI dominates any part of Atlanta he may well go over the edge (if he has not already by the time of this post). I say we just humor him and proclaim Stewart the 2003 champion with Dale Jr running a close second, just to be safe. :)

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