How long will this last?


Staff member
Mar 8, 2002
Murray, Kentucky
when the denestist gives you that shot and nums your gums. and makes your lips fell like a 1000 pounds. how long will that felling last. it is just afer 10 am and got the shot around 7:30-7:45 am. It is drive me crazy, i am hungry but cant eat with the felling. just wish it would go away. :(
Should go away in about 4 Hrs.Just don't dip any chew,and try to spit.You have one heck of a mess on your chin.:p
Originally posted by pbunch
Should go away in about 4 Hrs.Just don't dip any chew,and try to spit.You have one heck of a mess on your chin.:p


Allright Pbunch i won't.......but man be pround of your boy, have not diped in a good 4-6 weeks :)
good for you lappy! hope you can keep it up! quit smoking 2+ months ago after 22 years!:)
Good for you Lapper,Don't give up now buddy.:) My wife quit smoking after 16 yrs as of Saturday,It's like living with Hitler this week.:D
Originally posted by pbunch
Good for you Lapper,Don't give up now buddy.:) My wife quit smoking after 16 yrs as of Saturday,It's like living with Hitler this week.:D

pbunch, do me a favor. Keep telling your wife that you are proud of her that she quit smoking. It will make it a little easier for her if she knows that you support her! (and I do speak from experience) Also, tell her to take a few deep breaths when she gets the urge for a smoke! I will be happy to help you get thru this in any way I can, just ask!:)
it sure is fun trying to eat with your lip like this. it stays in just falls to the back conner and hard to sure does suck
majestyx,She is doing pretty good.The Doctor gave her some pills to help her stop.She sure chews a lot of gum though.I may not be saving any money,but we can all breath in the house better.:)
the last few times that I tried to quit, i had the patch and the Rx and neither worked for me. Both of those times my hubby went to the store and bought me a pack of smokes. This time I did it semi cold turkey. I went to a hypnosis seminar. It has worked so far, I haven't smoked a cigarette since Oct 28 '02!

Please tell mrs. pbunch that I am proud of her and I hope she has great success in quitting smoking! Like I said above, tell her when she gets the urge to smoke to get up and walk around while taking a few deep breaths. It really helps!:)
Good for you Lap. You know it hard for a girl to kiss you with a lip full of tobacco or snuff. LOL:D :D
Originally posted by pbunch
Good for you Lapper,Don't give up now buddy.:) My wife quit smoking after 16 yrs as of Saturday,It's like living with Hitler this week.:D

Good Lord man, if she's on her period, better move out into the dog house. WoW! :)
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