How many times has Kyle had to issue a "sorry" statement



I can only think of two.

I would like to think JGR has a three strikes and you're out policy.

But Kyle will probably be allowed to act like an ass clown every year, until when?
What exactly did he say this time?:idunno:

He got mad when his engine blew up for the fifteenth time and threw the engine builders under the bus . All the church ladies on the board got upset about the colorful language he used , Now they want some sort of language prohibition.
He got mad when his engine blew up for the fifteenth time and threw the engine builders under the bus . All the church ladies on the board got upset about the colorful language he used , Now they want some sort of language prohibition.

1) Kyle engine didn't blow up.
2) Kyle threw Toyota under the bus, ran them over, then backed up and parked the bus on them.
3) Nobody want's Kyle to stop being an ass, because he's very entertaining.
4) The only people who want to shut anyone up are the people who think nobody should be allowed to complain about the great one.
5) Leave religion out of this.
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