Oh, I forgot to mention that I watch all the races from start to finish. Don't have much time for the pre and post race, but the race itself is what I'm interested in. Especially those dastardly plate races.
Let me just say this. First and foremost, I'm a fan of auto racing. NASCAR just happens to be the most popular series at the moment. Before that, I was hooked on USAC. And I've been known to even watch swamp races in the past, as well as boat racing. Personally, I don't give a rat's butt who wins the championship. NASCAR has made that way too political, but it's the individual races that keep me hooked. Give me a couple of guys trying to outdo each other with an engine and four wheels, or two wheels or for that matter, a propeller in the water. Give me the roar of the engines, the whine of the engines and the fire belching, 1,000 hp, tires the side of tractor tires, down to even go karts, and I'll watch it. I've felt the feeling of racing and trying my best to beat that next driver and it's a feeling that is hard to beat. I can see that at times on the big tracks and know those guys are having the time of their lives. It's the noise, the smell, the colors. It's racing and I love it.