HS, I would like to think that the drivers can put up with the issues in the garage area, pit raod, etc., but at the same time I think something must be different. Either the number of people they are letting in there is more now, or something like that.
Let's face it, more than one driver has expressed concern about it, including the usually dormant bible Bill. He has been quoted as saying: "When I first started racing, there were very few people in the garage area," Elliott said of the late '70s and early '80s. "They absolutely didn't allow women in the garage. Absolutely, positively."
I haven't been to a race and can't comment on what the conditions are in the garage area or pit road, etc. But judging from what I can see on TV there are alot of people back there during a race and I think if they don't do something, a fan might get hurt or killed back there. The shear number of people allowed back there also makes it much more difficult for divers just to get to where they need to go. I like the accesss the fans have, but if it leaves opportunity for injury to fan or driver or team mate, like it or not I think they need to address it some how.