How to contact those that might matter?


Team Owner
Jan 31, 2017
Wendell, North Carolina
This crap with zooming in on the cars is pissing me off. BAD! It completely removes the speed of the cars when they focus in so closely. A post on twitter yesterday showing some of a Martinsville race from 1985 made the track look so much bigger. Now all you see is an occasional shot down the front straight. Rest of time is one car full frame.
This crap with zooming in on the cars is pissing me off. BAD! It completely removes the speed of the cars when they focus in so closely. A post on twitter yesterday showing some of a Martinsville race from 1985 made the track look so much bigger. Now all you see is an occasional shot down the front straight. Rest of time is one car full frame.
My theory is they're avoiding showing the stands as much as possible. This only became a problem a few years ago when empty seats started to be obvious.
It’s virtually impossible to directly contact NASCAR if you have a complaint.
You can email a track prez from any ISC track. I used to have Gillian Zucker’s email address before she bailed ACS and went to the Clippers.
I’ve emailed the current track president a couple of times with my concerns and he basically just gave me the BS corporate “everything’s great” response.
Nothing NASCAR related toward the top is interested in any type of fan based feedback.
Complaint department
Get on the NASCAR Fan Council, they might read some of those complaints, doubt it though.
I think they zoom in on the cars to please the sponsors despite the fact that it's bad for the viewer. I strongly prefer overhead shots for the first couple of laps of a restart then wide angles. Zoom in occasionally during close battles. Absolutely avoid in-car shots during live, green flag racing. Save those shots for replays. But what we want doesn't matter. The sponsors and networks fund this sport so they are prioritized over what is best for us plebs.
My theory is they're avoiding showing the stands as much as possible. This only became a problem a few years ago when empty seats started to be obvious.

Agreed, they don't want to show empty seats. j
This crap with zooming in on the cars is pissing me off. BAD! It completely removes the speed of the cars when they focus in so closely. A post on twitter yesterday showing some of a Martinsville race from 1985 made the track look so much bigger. Now all you see is an occasional shot down the front straight. Rest of time is one car full frame.
But they look so purdy in hi def!
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