Howdy and how are folks?



Been a long time since I could be around.

My wife's father passed away, and whole string of circumstances followed which have kept me away from and away from any internet connection for going on three months. Acrewed up estate, the sale of the in-laws Florida house, relocation of my mother-in-law during which she broke her hip, said break leading to an extended hospital stay which continues...... a long long story.

At the moment I am home and will be for a while, hopefully.

I have missed everyone and hope all are well.

there is a racing season just underway, though I feel completely out of touch with current events. That problem will alleviated by just being able to again converse with all you good folks.

I am much relieved and very grateful to be back.

See ya'll in print!!

Welcome back! We have certainly been missing your wonderful words of wisdom here! :wub: I am glad that things have, if at least for the time being, settled down for you. We have thought of you often.

Welcome Back HardScrabble! You have been missed deeply. ^_^
Man we have missed you so much HS. I'll continue to pray for your family.
Thanks for the welcomes.

I wish there were some way to explain how much I have missed being around you folks, but my literary abilities would fall far short. Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do and many things suffer for it. Still working on getting my head screwed back on straight (as if it ever were) . We'll get there no doubt, just takes a minute or two.

Glad to be back and looking forward to many posts to steer me on track. ;)
HS is back!! :bounce:

You've been missed my friend, and it feels damn good to see you again. :D :D :D
Terrific to have you back, buddy. Hope all improves for you and your family.
Welcome back Buddie!!! You have had us all worried!!!
I hope all gets better for you from here on!!!
Great to have you back HS! I am very sorry to hear about the trouble you and yours have been having. Even though things like this are a very unfortunate part of life, it is no less hard to deal with when it happens to you. You of course have our thoughts and prayers and if you ever feel the need to just talk about anything, we will be here for you. Please give your family our regards.
Glad to see ya HS. Hope everything is almost back in order your way. Jump right in and have some good "discussions" with us. We missed your wise works and so glad to see you back. :D
Welcome back And I hope that things get better for your family
:cheers: Nice to see you back HardScrabble, your wisdom has been missed. :waver:
Glad to have you back HS.I'll keep praying for you and your family. :lilangel:
Missed ya' scrabdude,
Glad to see you've made it back. I hope things continue well for you and yours.
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