How's everyone doing?



Not that the war isn't important but aren't you people a little tired of it? Thats all thats on TV nowdays, and we can't even come into the chit chat and have any fun anymore. :huh:
I agree!! I know its important but it just gets kinda boring to watch every time you turn on the TV!! I think TV is getting back to normal, and it looks liek the 4 networks are goign back to regular programing this week!! They might break in from time to time but i think they are leavign it up to the News Networks now!!
School starts late the next few days (standardized testing), so I've been chilling at home. Got to go to the bus in about 20 minutes though.
My school is just the opposite. We go to school same time and get out early. But our tests dont start for a couple weeks.
Good to hear from you people though. At least not everyone is glued to CNN.
workin 2 jobs..not much time for CNN or here anymore!!.....DOH! :wacko:

but hope everyone is doin good... :D
Hi everyone, glad to see you youngsters are going to school. I've been working a lot of long hours, so it seems like I'm working two jobs.

I will agree, keeping up with what's going on in Iraq is important, I just can't listen to it all day. I need some diversion and happy stuff also.

Look at the bright side, 3 more days till the Busch race and only 4 days to the Cup race. :bounce:
I have been working more hours for the past 3 weeks. I got a promotion and put on sal. No more punching a clock. B) I think it will work out for the best.
Originally posted by Tabasco@Mar 25 2003, 10:53 PM
I have been working more hours for the past 3 weeks. I got a promotion and put on sal. No more punching a clock. B) I think it will work out for the best.
Congrats! :cheers: Tabasco!
thats good to hear tabasco. Promotions are always good I would think.
Congrats Tab! Always nice to hear great news.

Maybe one day it will be my turn.
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