Hows your all's weather?


Ward Burton

:( There are tornadoes, all around here, and we are going to take cover if it gets any closer! :(
Its overcast and rain should be on the way! IMS closed practice today about an hour or so ago, but yet the rain has not gotten here yet!
Kinda on the chilly side, all day it has looked like it could rain at any minute but it hasn't as of yet.
A little cool, but mostly sunny. Hopefully it stays decent tomorrow. I have to rip the whole dash out of my wife's Caravan to replace the air conditioning's Evaporator Core. I would have cost me over $300 to have it done at the shop, so this extra time off Goodyear is giving me is starting to pay off already. :D
It's fannntastic Down Under, of course! Sunny...yet not too hot but not too cool. Perfect you could say. :D
We got some big storms that fianly reached here! Thankfully its just High winds and some lighting. Ther eis NO watches or warning out so thats good! I think it is the same system that hit Kansas today
We have had a nice steady rain all night long. No storms.
Total and complete crap now that monday has arrived :angry:

Rainy and cold with very high winds, but they say it will get much worse later today with some very heavy thunderstorms coming in. I guess I am working inside today. :( Oh well, the van will still need worked on tomorrow when it is supposed to be much nicer out. <_<
If you servere thunder storms and Tornadoes droping down all around you. Then you would have a great time in West TN.
Oh golly, just saw on the news how bad the tornadoes are. I wish you'll the best and hope you keep safe and all your family & friends.

And if you ain't got insurance (if you can get it)...get it!! I couldn't imagine what it must be like to lose everything.
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