Hulk Hogan's Son Arrested in Crash


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Jun 12, 2002
North East, TN
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Hulk Hogan's Son Arrested in Crash
Wednesday, November 7, 2007 12:55 PM EST
The Associated Press

CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) — Wrestler Hulk Hogan's son turned himself in Wednesday on charges stemming from a street-racing crash this summer that critically injured a passenger in his car, police said.

Nick Bollea, 17, was arrested on charges of reckless driving involving serious bodily injury, Clearwater police spokeswoman Elizabeth Daly-Watts said. He arrived at the Pinellas County Jail handcuffed and accompanied by two police officers, The Tampa Tribune reported.

"Because Nick is still a juvenile and has no prior criminal record, we are disappointed that he is being charged as an adult offender. However, we are confident that the evidence will demonstrate that this was an accident," family spokesman Adam Handelsman said in a written statement.

The statement also sought to discredit reports that Bollea caused the crash by driving fast, saying preliminary expert reports indicated that it was not a high-speed accident ," family spokesman Adam Handelsman said in a written statement.
This wasn't his first dance with racing cars and second don't overlook the statement about his passenger.
that critically injured a passenger in his car who is still incapicitated but showing signs of life..
And, surprise surprise, there was alcohol involved as well.
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