


Thad and Pierce, a couple of fine upstanding Boston blue bloods, came South one summer to do some hunting. They stopped at L.L. Bean and properly outfitted themselves for the trip of course, and drove their rented SUV south for what promised to be a week of good manly sport.

Two days into the trip, Thad places a 911 call on his GPS-equipped cell phone.

"My good man, you must send help quickly! My hunting partner has been shot and killed!"

"Now jus' calm down there, pardner," replied the 911 operator. "Ain't no need in gettin' all worked up till we know what's happ'nin'. Th first thang we need to do is make sure yer buddy really is dead."

Several seconds of silence passed over the line, followed by a single shotgun blast.

"Very well," says Thad. "What should I do next?"
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