Hurricane Katrina Aftermath


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Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
The news is full of tragic information and my heart goes out to all the survivors and those who have lost so much.
Our very own Fourisis was living in New Orleans, evacuated safely, but has lost EVERYTHING.
You can help survivors by donating to American Red Cross, even if only a small amount.
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Oh, Kat, thanks for the news that FOURISIS is safe. I've been worried.

The Red Cross pleads that if you want to help, to give MONEY. Let them buy exactly what is needed.

Same with the Salvation Army.
TexasRaceLady said:
Oh, Kat, thanks for the news that FOURISIS is safe. I've been worried.

The Red Cross pleads that if you want to help, to give MONEY. Let them buy exactly what is needed.

Same with the Salvation Army.

Thanks TRL! I'm sure other members were also in harm's way.
Thousands have fled to Georgia, and I have let the Red Cross know that my home is open for evacuees with no charge.
We also need to remember the pets affected and contact the Humane Society if we can help in any way.
Does anyone have anything to say?

Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue has mobilised the National Guard (an MP unit that has already done 2 tours in Iraq) and they have arrived in New Orleans to help restore the police presence.
Please remember that all local and state authorities in affected areas are ALSO stretched almost beyond endurance.
Our state fuel tax is also being waived until 9/30 upon order of the Governor.

Unfortunately, the rest of the world is slow to recognise our needs, and I'm angry about that. We have GIVEN and GIVEN worldwide for oh so many years, and rescued countries from disasters, so it feels ike a slap in the face to me right now.
Unfortunately, the rest of the world is slow to recognise our needs, and I'm angry about that. We have GIVEN and GIVEN worldwide for oh so many years, and rescued countries from disasters, so it feels ike a slap in the face to me right now.[/QUOTE]

I hear's a bad deal all around.
A coworker (and our friend) of hubby's son is in the Coast Guard. He is stationed in New Orleans. He had just recently moved out of the barracks and gotten himself an apartment which was right on the inside of the ocean levee. His apartment was on the third floor, and the water has covered the bottom two floors of the building. Those who stayed have moved into his apartment and taken over helping themselves to his possessions. He had also just purchased a brand new pickup truck too. He has lost everything. When the hurricane blew in, he was on the Coast Guard boat and the motored it up the Mississippi and anchored off. He said it was quite a bumpy ride, but they strapped themselves in their bunks and rode it out. After Katrina had passed, they went back out to sea and began the task of rescuing those who didn't evacuate. The Coast Guard is providing them with shelter and clothing for the time being.

Please keep him and all the others who have nothing left in your thoughts and prayers.
God has blessed so many of us and and I pray that we, as Americans, continue to help those affected in this tragedy as best we can. I offered my home for those displaced, but given my health and age, the Red Cross said it would be best not to accept my offer.
I am so proud that so very many have stepped up to help as best they can. I now have two foster doggies who will be reunited with the people they own and my kitty is ticked off!
Animals have been forgotten and need help as well. If you can foster a pet, I urge you to do so, but at least see to make a donation to help. Your local Humane Society or shelter can also direct you in the right path to help.
I heard from Fourisis tonight via email. To paraphrase, she is OK, working 12 hour days, and her special man is also working. Her home in New Orleans should be habitable in 3 months or so and is currently being used by National Guard troops as home. There is sad news as well. One Uncle didn't get out in time, and she still hasn't heard from her Aunt and Cousins.
She askes that we keep her in our thoughts and prayers and will be in touch with me when she can.
PureDeathRacing said:
Unfortunately, the rest of the world is slow to recognise our needs, and I'm angry about that. We have GIVEN and GIVEN worldwide for oh so many years, and rescued countries from disasters, so it feels ike a slap in the face to me right now.

I hear's a bad deal all around.[/QUOTE]

I heard on the radio that we have recieved 1billion total in aid from other countries so far
Early on in the tv coverage we saw LOTS of folks walking out of New Orleans on I-10. These early pictures have not been repeated on the tv. I guess all the people that took it upon themselves to WALK their ass out of trouble were NOT on WELFARE!
Then for days all we were shown were the POOR welfare folks sitting around on the SAME hiway bridges complaining that they were not being HELPED. Doesn't matter how little money you have if you could get to the bridge you most likely could get yourself down to the next town.. Thousands of folk DID get theirselves out of trouble..

Yeah I am ranting! I am very perplexed at folks that won't attempt to help themselves.
I am also HIGHLY opposed to repairing the levys. We have no reason to put another New Orleans disaster on out childrens pocketbooks.

It seems a huge BARGE broke loose from it's moorings and KNOCKED DOWN the levy wall. This is proven by the barge itself sitting inside of the levy wall! Nothing can be done to keep this from happening again in the future.. I think most of New Orleans should be burned and the land given back to the Mississippi river.
I have been quite pleasantly surprised by some of the countries which have offered or sent aid.
Mexico has sent some army troops to assist in clean-up and even Fidel Castro has offerred to send medical and search and rescue teams.

While it took a few days for the offers to come in, it would seem that there other countries around the world who do remember the United States when she is in need.

Thankfully my family members in Mississippi only lost some houses and other property damage and the tornados in Georgia missed my relatives there.

They were among the lucky ones.
The barge was used to fill the HOLE. That was the fist step in plugging the wall.
Sri Lanka, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Russia, and many more have pledged assistance. China has sent medical supplies as well as generators and other needed items. Many nations have offered to release a healthy amount of their oil reserves if we need them, and even poverty stricken Bangladesh has pledges $1,000,000.
I guess some of the rest of the planet DO appreciate us.
Good morning Kat,

With all these offers of aid in time of natural disaster, should we draw any conclusions about the possiblity of Hope for Mankind?

Perhaps a realization the he needs to rethink his relationship with the ecology and the way he treats his home planet?

I honestly would like to believe that, but....

All to often, Mankind has proven that his ego and conceit overpower his common sense.

Ah well!

Have a nice weekend.
boB I guess it is time to start cutting our wrists, huh? Wait! I have an idea. Lets impose birth control and cut off welfare completely! That'll get rid of some of us won't it? And then we could plug all oil wells, that would be a good thing too, wouldn't it? Them of us that are left could walk our ass back to the equator where we came from.. Oh how glorous it will be!
Betsy :rolleyes:
Yeah Betsy, I guess we should all start cutting our wrists.
I'll send you some razor blades and you can go first if you'd like. (My mother told me to always let ladys go first.)

How about a webcam so we can all watch?

Actually, I don't understand where you are coming from at all. I am not what you'd call a "tree-hugger", just an old man who is concerned with the abuse of our ecology and the disregard of mankind for the planet on which we all live.
Maybe it's part of my native American ancestory.

It has to come to an end at some point:

We have poluted the water which we cannot live without. We continue to polute the very air we breathe through the use of fossil fuels and at the same time we are destroying the forests and greenlands which convert the carbon dioxide we exhale into the oxygen our systems need to sustain life.
All the while we continue to extend life through medical science and population growth is rapidly reaching the point where the planet will not be able to feed everyone and yet we continue upon our merry way as the "smartest" animal on the planet.

Does that make sense to you?
It doesn't to me; not at all!

My own simple reasoning is that perhaps it is time for mankind to take a serious look around at what he is doing and start to use some common sense instead of being his usual pig-headed, egotistical self and trying to outsmart nature.

That simpy ain't about to happen!

Would it not make more sense to find ways to live within nature than to continue to destroy the very necessities of our form life here on Earth?

But, like I said, I'm just a simple minded old man....
boB said:
Yeah Betsy, I guess we should all start cutting our wrists.
I'll send you some razor blades and you can go first if you'd like. (My mother told me to always let ladys go first.)

How about a webcam so we can all watch?

Actually, I don't understand where you are coming from at all. I am not what you'd call a "tree-hugger", just an old man who is concerned with the abuse of our ecology and the disregard of mankind for the planet on which we all live.
Maybe it's part of my native American ancestory.

It has to come to an end at some point:

We have poluted the water which we cannot live without. We continue to polute the very air we breathe through the use of fossil fuels and at the same time we are destroying the forests and greenlands which convert the carbon dioxide we exhale into the oxygen our systems need to sustain life.
All the while we continue to extend life through medical science and population growth is rapidly reaching the point where the planet will not be able to feed everyone and yet we continue upon our merry way as the "smartest" animal on the planet.

Does that make sense to you?
It doesn't to me; not at all!

My own simple reasoning is that perhaps it is time for mankind to take a serious look around at what he is doing and start to use some common sense instead of being his usual pig-headed, egotistical self and trying to outsmart nature.

That simpy ain't about to happen!

Would it not make more sense to find ways to live within nature than to continue to destroy the very necessities of our form life here on Earth?

But, like I said, I'm just a simple minded old man....

Too bad more don't feel as you and I do boB.
Mankind is responsible for global warming and our grandchildren will suffer even more than our generation can envision unless we somehow stop the rape of our planet by those who worship profit more than our creator.

Like you, I am not a "tree hugger" and I respect nature.
Betsy, may I ask what YOU have done to help the survivors of Katrina? My 4 year old grandaughter offered the contents of her piggy bank and her parents were smart enough to count the money ($9 and change), give her a receipt and save the money for her and donate $10 in her name to the local animal shelter as she had requested.
Perhaps you need to hike the Appilachian Trail, spend some time in one of this country's Reservations, recycle, drive less, turn your heat down in winter, try to walk more, spend time in the outdoors, camp near one of the few remaining unpolluted streams, try and find fish that is not contaminated with mercury, play in some puddles and enjoy rolling in mud.
WALK A MILE IN MY SHOES before you spew venom, please, and I honestly find it hard to swollow the water you ask us to drink.
What have I done? First thing I did was to cheer for the folks that WALKED their ass west on I-10 to safety! Instead of sitting their lazy ass down on the overpasses to wait for some MORE of mine and your money to come help them!
The next thing I did was to write to my congressman. I told him to vote to BURN that place and not to put the NEXT flood on my children's and grandchildren's backs!
Kat do YOU have home insurance? If your house burns down do you EXPECT me to buy you a new one? People that live below sea level do so at their OWN peril!
Opinion? You are teaching your granddaughter incorrectly. Teach her to take care of herself, and to let others do the same.
What is it now $60 billion, and rising? You did not make that mistake. Nor did I. But who will pay? That cute little girl that has already robbed her piggy bank for it, that's who. She has already started and never will stop.
BTW I do believe we need FEMA. We need it for natural disasters.. That is not what this was.
Good morning Betsy,

I hope this morning finds you well and in good spirits as it would seem to me, after reading your last post, that despite what you have been saying, you indeed agree with my opinion that human beings are not quite as smart as they wish to make each other think they are.

If they were, would they be so quick to build a city below sea level in a hurricane prone area?

Or to spend millions of dollars to build homes on shore front property that, by its very nature, is going to be washed away with each and every storm which nature sends our way?

Not to mention all the other foolishness which I've mentioned in earlier posts on this forum?

As the supposedly "smartest animal", indeed some would have us believe we are created in the image of God Himself, it would seem that we are, in actuality, about the dumbest creature to inhabit the planet.

Mankind seems to feel that it's OK to sh!t in the pool and then continue to swim in his own excretement and let his next generation worry about cleaning up the mess.
Unfortunately, that attitude gets passed along from generation to generation and the pool just gets nastier and nastier and we are rapidly approaching the time that someone is going to have to clean up the mess.
That is if we hope to continue to live on this planet.

Which I think we should consider as a certainty, as Whomever, or Whatever, created the Universe is certainly smart enough to keep the human animal from expanding his nastiness to the rest of that creation.

Perhaps one simple snap of a finger to send the planet out of orbit and sailing into the dark nether regions, or a collision with an unknown comet or astroid to destroy mankind and let the planet rejuvenate itself?

OR, perhaps mankind can and will realize that he is merely one more species that needs the Earth in order to survive and he will change his thinking, and his actions, before he destroys the planet and becomes extinct because of his own stupidity?

With all that to think about, try to have a nice day anyhow.
boB wrote: indeed some would have us believe we are created in the image of God

THAT is probably our (humans) greatest problem! We take the WORD of folks that prey on us for our ALMS! Steadfastly we follow blindly their lead.. What do we get from it? Stupidity is what we get!

Sorry boB but I cannot waste my time worring about the future of our kind on this planet. Yes we will expire eventually as living beings...all of us and maybe everything else that lives on the Earth.. But there is nothing I (or you) can do about it.

Yeah maybe spending a few days yapping to each other would bring us to a point where we find we are not so far apart in our thinking after all..
Poor Betsy.
Have you ever experienced any loss in your meager existance? It must be so comforting to sit in your glass house and pronounce judgment on those less fortunate.
Did those people abandoned in a Nursing Home deserve to die? Did they ever do anything to harm your family? Did any of the people in New Orleans or Gulf Shores do something to offend you? Is being poor or handicapped a reason to consider people disposable?
Your attitude is offensive to me, yet I do not judge you as that is not my place. I wish you well in your hatred and judgemental ways and I hope your turn comes soon, as what goes around comes around.
Have a nice day.
Common items made all the difference for some hurricane survivors


Sun Herald

PEARLINGTON - (KRT) - A Tupperware clothing container. A Buck knife. A bra. The tops of a neighbor's hedges.

Common items made the difference for people in the eye of Katrina. Deliverance came from the mundane.

Pearlington was totally destroyed on the morning of Aug. 29 when Katrina struck. Nearly all houses were wrecked.

But at the height of the wind and water, women and men kept cool, and in so doing saved lives.

They live together now in a tent city near the river, surrounded by National Guard bulldozers and trucks clearing the wreckage.


While Kathleen Bello and several adults scrambled in a dark attic where fast-rising water was already sloshing, trying to find something, anything, to use to lower 8-month-old Hayden Bello to a boat below, Bello spotted a plastic Tupperware tub.

Baby Hayden was a snug fit, but inside he went. Kathleen took the container to the attic window.

"We put him inside, sealed the top, looked down at the boat, and just slid him down," she said.

Little Hayden skidded 10 feet down a steep, steel roof into the arms of his father, Frank Bello, family member Claude Bellow and a family friend, Jim Narvaez. The men were hanging onto a boat they had managed to snag.

Claude Bello said, "I knew we had to catch him. I knew we were going to catch him. There wasn't any choice."

After that, the adults slid down and clambered into the boat where things held steady for a time and then got worse. They were jammed into a 12-foot Boston Whaler that was kept from being swept away by the men who held onto a television antenna pole.

The boat's occupants watched refrigerators, cars, boats, houses and a church float by.

And they listened to a weird sound, that once they realized what it was, would forever underscore for them the terror and power of Katrina - the steady banging of refrigerators in flooded houses hitting against ceilings.

They said 6- to 8-foot waves battered them.

"Then the water was getting ready to turn the boat over with the baby in it," Kathleen Bello said. "So the men swam beside it, pulling as best they could, until they got to a doorway where the door was ripped off, and jammed the boat into that.

On Wednesday morning an Army helicopter evacuated Baby Hayden and his father.

"He was getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and we didn't have any baby food left," said Narvaez. "We missed his smile, which gave us all courage. But we were glad when they took him to someplace safe."


Louis Hyde Sr. and his wife, Melissa Hyde, and their friend Mike Walters tried to ride out the storm at a campsite in a trailer. There were soon running for the camp's restroom on slightly higher ground, and then, when that was inundated, grabbed the branches of trees and hung on.

Melissa said she grabbed a buoyant cooler that was floating by and hung on to it for dear life as a kind of insurance policy in case her torn, bloodied hands could no longer grip the tree branch that kept her from being washed away.

"I took my bra off and tied the handle of the cooler to the tree. That's all I could think to do," she said. That worked for a while.

Finally, after the cooler had held her up for hours, the bra broke and the cooler floated away. Melissa said she then clung to her husband's back for three hours until the water subsided.


Tim Smith, a machinist with Lockheed Martin in New Orleans, tried to ride out the hurricane but was soon hit by the wind-driven surge. He knew his neighbor, 74-year-old Bobby Baxter, was next door where the water would be just as deep.

"Before I could get to his house I was swimming," Smith said. He was hit by a powerful current and said the only way he could keep going in a straight line was "Mr. Bobby's" hedge.

"I hung on to the hedges and pulled myself along," Smith said. "If they hadn't been there I guess I'd be over there somewhere," he said, pointing to wreckage to the southeast.

After a hectic 24 hours, Smith managed to get Baxter to a dry road and help.


Tommie and Penny Dean said they were forced to flee out a window of their house and swim. As they were pushed along by the current they managed to grab on to the side of the house long enough for Tommie to fish a folding Buck knife out of his pants and use it to cut the mooring line on a small bateau. They clambered aboard and floated on that until the water subsided.

What if her husband had forgotten his knife, Penny Dean was asked.

"If he hadn't got that boat loose we would have died for sure," she said. "It would have pulled us away, sucked us under, and left us dead."

© 2005, The Sun Herald (Biloxi, Miss.).

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Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Services
Fourisis left me a message on my cell yesterday. She was back home in New Orleans (but I don't know if it's permanent) and sounded kind of lost and very sad. She said that seeing the devastation in person is so much worse than we see on TV.
I received another message from Fourisis, and she has evacuated again because of Rita.
Texas has ordered evacuations from Galveston and Houston, among other coastal areas. Johnson Space Center has also evacuated and turned the monitering of the Space Station over to Russia.
As of 12:15 AM, the winds are 140mph.
Thoughts and Prayers to all in this storm's deadly path.
I spoke with Fourisis today, and she is OK. She and her man are staying at her Mom's and there are power outages already. The wind and rain have started to pick up.
She, and so many, have been through hellacious time and are still "shell shocked".
I don't doubt it, kat. Please, next time you talk to her, tell her we're thinking about her! And, we wish her all the best!!!
I did tell her that today Maj, and I forgot to relay her thanks. Many cell towers are not working and the signal is being relayed, so there was some interference. I'll try her again in a day or two if I don't hear from her first.

To ALL my internet friends in harms way, please know that I am thinking of you and wiching you the very best!
I was able to speak with Fourisis this evening and she sends thanks to all who have been concerned.
She is still at her Mom's, working her tail off, sends her best to Angelpoet, Tabasco and all of you.
Still no electricity or clean water but she is a survivor! She will probably move to the West Bank after a while and start over.
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