About 2 weeks of havign to use the schools computers, mine is back up and running!!!
We had to get a new hard drive and during the process we lost all of our saved websites so I am goign to try and get 20 or so of the 80 I had back saved then i will be back and chat!!
See ya in a bit, glad to be back. I felt like i was missing part of my family and could nto wait to get back online. Kinda sucked too with testing going on and I could not find out the speeds.
Well be back in a bit.
About 2 weeks of havign to use the schools computers, mine is back up and running!!!
We had to get a new hard drive and during the process we lost all of our saved websites so I am goign to try and get 20 or so of the 80 I had back saved then i will be back and chat!!
See ya in a bit, glad to be back. I felt like i was missing part of my family and could nto wait to get back online. Kinda sucked too with testing going on and I could not find out the speeds.
Well be back in a bit.