I am bored!!



I read all the thread replied to all that i wanted to. WEnt and posted at all the other boards, looked at all the racing sites I have saved. Went to a bunch of sites that jayski has. I AM BORED!!
WOOOHOOOO!!! The Apple pie is DONE!!!. Nothing beats warm Apple pie with Vannilla Ice Cream!!!
Apple pie!

Julie is gone for the night...you're making me miss her. She can make a cake or a pie that will knock your socks off.

I think she's keeping me fat.
My wife's trying to fatten me up too. I just haven't figured out what she plans to do with me when I get fat enough.:eek:
I'll find my recipes and send them to her. It may take a bit ---- my recipe box is in Palestine, but I should be going up on Friday.

I'll make a note to get them.
Both cakes are absolute heaven ---- especially with a good vanilla ice cream. LOL
PettyBenson I hope you ate a piece for me. You promised you would.:angel:

Originally posted by paul
Apple pie!  

Julie is gone for the night...you're making me miss her.  She can make a cake or a pie that will knock your socks off.

I think she's keeping me fat.

Uh, Oh!

Keeping you fat?

Sounds like lawsuit material to me.


Originally posted by PettyBenson4510
But they know how to cook, well some do...:D

Not mine,If I counted on her cooking to survive I would look like an Etopian on Slimfast diet.:D
Originally posted by AngelPoet8
PettyBenson I hope you ate a piece for me. You promised you would.:angel:  


I did!!! I had a piece for breakfast as well
I don't need any help staying fat. In fact, I need to get back to working on that. :(

I'm the resident cook at Chateau TWF. Star does the baking, and she makes a mean batch of brownies. :chef: I grew up on country cookin', and learned well. Sadly, that calls for a lot of frying, which ain't the best thing in the world for you. But man, it sure does taste good.
Originally posted by pbunch
Not mine,If I counted on her cooking to survive I would look like an Etopian on Slimfast diet.:D
:ROFLMFAO: You poor thing. hehe
How about a good banana split cake, or red velvet cake or applesauce cake, or coconut creme pie or wait---I'm getting hungry now. I love making all these, but I just don't like what they do to my hips!:( Mom always said--moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips. Man I wish she was wrong sometimes!
On the news last night, the newspeople were reporting that some scientists are thinking that fast food could be addictive.

I turned to the hubby and said that as far as I was concerned FOOD in general was addictive, fast or otherwise. LOL
Boy you have that right! When I have a hard day, I come home make Chicken & dumplings, mashed pototes, greenbeans, biscuits, and a chocolate cake w/ chocolate orange icing. Then I sit back and pig out. I don't care if I gain 20 lbs---at that moment it's worth it!:)
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