
:bigfight: :boxing: :swords: :bazooka: :youlikethat: :bslfag:

For the first time in my life I went to a rally today. I felt that it was important to let the soldiers and their families know that not everyone feels the same way as these moronic protesters. With all the news coverage on these protesters I felt very compelled to go to this rally today. I enjoyed it. It was peaceful, partiotic, and touching. I was proud to have been a part of it.

A few hours later, our "local news" came on. Even though Harrisburg is the state capitol, this "local news" channel ends up showing more about other cities.... I sat here watching, waiting to see something about the rally because due to the GREAT turn out I couldn't see the speakers, who by the way included Congressman Tim Holden and Congressman Todd Platts. The "local news" channel showed NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH. They had NO PROBLEM showing the protesters. I sent a scathing email to the news director and turned around and sent a thank you email to the fox news channel for letting me SEE and HEAR BOTH sides of the story.

I'm so disgusted right now.... I'm done venting, thanks for listening.



  • flag99.gif
    3.2 KB · Views: 14
The anti-war demonstrations have always gotten more coverage then the pro-war demonstrations, because who wants to give coverage to people who actually support the government? :rolleyes: Of course: it's ALWAYS a better story if someone is speaking out against the government, especially if violence is involved. :rolleyes:
It just boggles my mind that there is numerous people that do not support our country in a time like this. We have men and women fighting for teir freedom, just so they can have the right to protest a campaign to protect their freedom. :angry: Wish those people would live in Iraq for a few under saddam, I doub't if their butts would be protesting any more than 1 time, because first off they wouldn't have a tounge to talk and they wouldn't have an arm to hold a sign. :dual9mm: saddam
It's good that you showed your support PG.Lets all remember to show our support for our troops in any way we can:fly the flag,drive with your lights on,yellow ribbons for our p.o.ws ,etc.

As far as the media,the average third grader can see thru them these days.After 40 years of liberal infiltration most common folks take it with a grain of salt.Just a damn shame they omit and ignore any idea that is different from their own leftist self loathing viewpoints. :(
"It is the soldier who salutes the flag, serves under the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag."
I just got done playing in a softball tournament yesterday here in CO. Springs,4 of the guys on my team are in the military and are being deployed this week to the Persian Gulf. After the tournament there was a barbeque at one of the guys' house for everyone, we all went because we wanted to support them in any way we could. I really think all the Liberal BS. touting Liberals in this country should take a minute and reflect on why they are in fact citizens of the USA. It is all about freedom,that is what we are fighting for all around the world,why is that they are such hypocrites? Sad isn't it....but yeh they deserve to have their opinion, but i choose to ignore them and fly my flag in support of my buddies going off to fight for us and freedom! :cheers:
Luckily the local newspaper gave it GREAT coverage. The best part.... the police said that if the capitol steps are full, that's 8000 people. The steps were not only full but people were overflowing into the street and the yard of the capitol bldg.... last week there were 250 protesters on the steps.



  • HBGrally.gif
    57.8 KB · Views: 12
Drove by a protest crowd last week after the 3 inches of rain.

It is amazing just how much water a dual wheel breadtrk can actually throw up onto a sidewalk!
LOL, that's pretty good gmc!! I got a good email today called "Peace activist etiquette". In a nutshell it says to walk up to one and hit them. Before they stike back, be sure to remind them that it goes against everything they're out there protesting. Violence isn't the answer, diplomatic talks are. When they agree, punch 'em really hard in the nose and continue these steps til the moron finally gets the picture!
I got the e-mail too PenskeGirl, seems these people are too thick to get it though!!
Here's the response I got today....

The honest answer is, we should have covered this event.

I appreciate your taking the time share your concerns with me... and your
comments will be shared with my staff.

As the news director at WGAL, I have instructed my team to give appropriate
coverage to rallies on each side of this debate... BUT my direction to our
reporters and producers is to focus most of our time and attention on the
men and women in the armed forces who are putting their lives on the line.
They will always be my first priority for coverage. I think we can all
agree on that.

This week at 6:00pm we're devoting special time to reports from Fort Dix on
local servicemen and women who are preparing to ship out for Iraq. It's
the latest in our continuing effort to focus on the troops.

I am sorry we let you down over the weekend. I hope we won't let you down

Dan O'Donnell
News Director
Originally posted by gmcbreadtrk@Mar 30 2003, 06:35 PM
Drove by a protest crowd last week after the 3 inches of rain.

It is amazing just how much water a dual wheel breadtrk can actually throw up onto a sidewalk!
That one made me laugh!b
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