I' Back From Surgery



Well, guys. For those who care, I had outpatient surgery this morning and just go home.

Trouble because of very high blood pressure (they hate that) so it took longer as they gave me 3 shots of valium to stabilize my BP before surgery. :D Then the intravenous and what ever kind of drug they normally use.

From what I know, it went okay. They performed a procedure called Arthroplasty and they took a biopsy.

Long story short, it wasn't to bad but pain may set in soon so I thought I would let everyone know what's going on as I could be down for some time. Not sure. I'm gonna take a nap now. Hopefully I won't need a second surgery as it will be more complicated.

Later people. Thanks for your support. :wub:
Glad it went well. Now get to bed and rest up. Let them drugs do their thang. :wacko:
Glad things went well for you Highboy! Get some rest and keep the pain med's handy. :)
Good to hear it went well, just get some rest now and relax. Rent some DVDs and chill for a while.
I'm glad to hear everything went well. Relax, put you foot up, and take those pain pills. They make everything look and feel better. ;)
Glad to hear everything went well.Now comes the easy part,r&r. Take it easy for a while.We'll leave the light on for you. :D
delighted to hear good news HB, better living through chemistry :)
Thanks for the replies guys. Feeling better. Just bed ridden for another day. Keeping foot elevated and iced once an hour as per instructions. Hopefully there will be no infections or complications. I'll be popping in more often now. :)
As long as you keep your foot up, iced as directed, pain meds as needed and the bandage clean, you'll be just fine. Glad to hear things are going well.
Watch out with the high blood pressure MY dad died twice in one night due to the high blood pressure and heart attack but someone on a act of faith he made it through He had a maroboro and a stake cloged in two artieris(sp) so watch out
Originally posted by pettyfan4life@Feb 22 2003, 11:14 AM
Watch out with the high blood pressure MY dad died twice in one night due to the high blood pressure and heart attack but someone on a act of faith he made it through He had a maroboro and a stake cloged in two artieris(sp) so watch out
Died twice? Wow.

Thanks again guys. Should be okay now. Out of bed, slowly strolling around the house. No real pain. See what the doctor says Thursday.

Did notice my big tow is shorter now. Looks kinda weird even with all the bandages and special sock on. :eek:
glad to hear things went well and you're feeling better.I'm trying to hang in there myself.Although those daquiries from my party sure did help me. :D for a while I wasn't feeling any pain.
Glad to hear that all went well with your Surgery 90. Im sure you'll get used to that "shorter" toe in time. See ya around....
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