I did it!


Team Owner
Apr 30, 2002
I got out of my ticket! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: A $125 ticket and two points on my license down to a $25 fine! yeah I can deal with that! :p
Originally posted by 97forever@Oct 8 2003, 02:58 PM
You wore a mini-skirt to court again didnt you hon? ;)
:lol: Not exactly, dear ;) :p I am just so damn cute. lol :lol: :p ^_^ ;) :lol:
Congrats! But, don't keep us in suspense! Tell us how you managed to knock off $100 and 2 points! :cheers:
Usually if you have a clean record, you go to court and plea guilty (if you did what you were charged with) the judge will knock down the charge and penalties.

That's the way it usually works around here anyway....
Well when I first got the ticket I think I pointed out the inconsistencey in a post here somewhere... The female officer wasn't very nice that is the only reason I got a ticket to begin with. ;) But she wrote down the wrong color of the vehicle I was driving, the wrong road was on the ticket and a different speed was on the ticket from what I was told I was clocked at. I just pointed those things out and questioned wheather or not it was me that she gunned. So the prosecuter agreed on dropping the points and $100. I just really didn't want the points...Because...well, I tend to drive fast and do not have the best driving record.:lol:
Being cute sure didn't hurt...Kidding! :D
I had to pay $300 for a $10 check that I forgot to pay. Boy, did that hurt. :(
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