I Feel So Much Better Now


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
I guess I (like many) as a Nascar Fan, have been on a forced diet all winter. RACING IS BACK!
:beerbang: :D :beerbang:
I heard that..................Thank God it's back to racing!
Thank God? With all the problems in the world, he has more important things to do. ;)

And now he has to decide whose prayer to answer for next Sunday's winner. More work. And how does he decide?
Most prayers? Best looking driver or car? Biggest family? Maybe type of sponsor product?
Building products? Armed forces? Hard liquor? Surely not Beer again.

I am sure many folks are glad that racing is back, me being one of them!!
The offical top ten rules of the pbunch house have been posted for another season.

1. Do not bring me the phone, or ask stupid question during the last 10 laps.
2. Don't come in the middle of a race, and ask me to take you to Skateworld.
3. If you don't like what I cooked STARVE!
4. Next to the good Lord Sunday has only one other meaning. [RACEDAY]
5.Don't even go near the big TV.
6.Don't come over, and eat my food, and drink my beer, and say I can't wait for football season to start.
7. Don't ask me if Jeff Gordon is gay.
8. Don't tell how Jr. is riding his daddy shirttails.
9. I allready know DW is nuts, I don't need to hear it anymore

And the top 10 reason

10. Don't tell me it is not a sport. :) And that Mark Martin has never won a cup. :)
Pretty cute pb. LOL

I used to hang a checkered flag out whenever racing was on and everyone around me knew to stay the heck away.
Eagle1 said:
Pretty cute pb. LOL

I used to hang a checkered flag out whenever racing was on and everyone around me knew to stay the heck away.

Eagle1, Thats a heck of an idea. :growl:
I don't need any rules. My wife knows when I watch racing in my study, I don't like to be interrupted unless it's really important, and she doesn't. I give her the same courtesy when she watches her programs.

pbunch said:
Best idea since the Do not disturb sign at the motel. :growl: :)
That's a good one. :p
bumpzter said:
I don't need any rules. My wife knows when I watch racing in my study, I don't like to be interrupted unless it's really important, and she doesn't. I give her the same courtesy when she watches her programs.

That's a good one. :p

That might work when you don't have two teenage daughters. :)
Hey bunch...sup? Here in the Thompson house, I watch in my office both on the computer and the TV at the right of me. The wife watches in the bedroom. Funny thing is that in the living room, we have a big screen TV and we hardly ever use it. :) Now, let's go racing...:beerbang:

I like some of those rules.

My #1 rule is, Don't bug me while I'm watching race related things on TV... period. (no matter waht day it is) ;)

most of the time, if someone talks to me while I'm watching something about race'n I don't hear them anyway. :p
Hi Bunchy :beerbang:

Even my pets know not to bother me if there is ANYTHING on the tube about racing. I just ignore hubby (except to TELL him to get me a beer) and the phone will NOT be answered!
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