I got it!



Well took the plunge and now I'm typing on my new Dell!!! It has a 256MB DDR SDRAM AT 333 MHz and 80GB ultra hard drive. A 17in flat panel display and a 48x max cd-rw drive!!! This thing is great! I can't get over the size of the flat screen! It's huge!!! Now I can keep up with the rest of the gang on here! :p Of course I'll be paying on this for a while but still got a good deal.
Hey congrats Shade! You seem pretty hyped now...just imagine if you would have got a brand name computer! :p :p :p

Ok, kidding. (I guess I am the only person in America who hates Dell's. But still happy for you!)
Congrats on getting the new 'puter set up and are enjoying it!

97, what's the prob with Dell? (honest ? )
Serious Maj? I had a Dell Optiplex that was a real pain in the rear end. Hard drive failed uexplainably and to upgrade the thing you had to lay it flat and swing it apart like some kinda space ship. Just never cared for them. I like HP's much better and have had better luck from them. Although granted most folks love Dell's. But hey---someone has to pull for the underdog, right?

(But that's just me Shady. I know you are tickled to death and I am tickled right along with you! :) :) If it makes you feel better Dee already raked me over the fire for my anti-Dell remarks once or twice! :lol: :lol:
You can't bring me down onight!!! :nyanya: :pbjtime: :pbjtime: :pbjtime: I just love this thing!! It's great and I can't wait to play around with it some more tomorrow! :D But dang it I won't get home till after midnight--another v-ball game!!!
I would never rake you over the coals for stating an opinion on your own personal experience. Like I told shady when she was seeking advice on the purchase of a new computer system, the harddrive on my Dell crapped out for no apparent reason in the first 30 days I had it. Dell sent a tech with a new harddrive out the very next day and within 30 min. I was up and running again. It's all just personal preference and experience. I have been using Dell computers for about 5 years now, and we have 7 of them at the office.
Congratulations on the new toy!! :D New computers are always fun to play with..........I'm building me a new one later this year myself. Then I'll do Cutie another one!! Last store bought computer I had was a Packard Bell 386 running at about 25mhz with a great big 10 meg hard drive!! But it was top of the line back then!! Cutie's last store bought was a Hewlett Packard at 400 mhz and a 6 gig hard drive!

Have fun with that CD burner!! :cheers:
I have a 1.8 Gigahertz Hewlett Packard, with 512 RAM, uh lemme see, 120 GB of hard-drive space. My bro and I also own a 2.4 Gigahertz Sony Vaio labtop computer. Congrats on your recent purchase.
Congratulations, sgbg. :) :)

I'm still plunking away on my old Gateway. LOL

Except for me being stupid a couple of times and getting viruses, it's been solid and reliable. And the 21" monitor is sure easy for this old lady to see. LOL
congratulations SGBG.........nice to have a brand new toy isn't it? :D

enjoy it..you deserve it...... :)
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